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Drinking was meant to fix the train of thoughts that always happened when he was sober for too long. Drinking helped to forget all the mistakes he made that he could impossibly mend and drinking just helped with everything in his mind but not really with everything as he was now staring at a furious Alice who had been called by his own son, who found his dad drunk in their trailer and didn't know after the years of his dad being sober so he did the first thing that came up in his mind and that was call Alice so that's how Alice ended up in the dirty trailer, fuming, her hands on her hips as she glared at FP who laid on the couch, a bottle of beer held tightly in his hand as he looked defiantly at the woman almost like he was daring her to throw something at his head what she was trying not to do, how hard it was proving to be for her on the moment. "Why are you drunk?"She asked coldly, picking a couple of empty bottles that laid close by as he watched her do it absently. "Why are you sober?"He asked back with a slur as she just glared at that. "Did there happen something with the serpents?"She asked, trying to figure out why he was drinking once again. "At Pop's?"She continued waiting for a noise that confirmed what it was but it stayed quiet. "Your son is worried about you."She said softly, putting the bottles on the kitchen counter before making her way towards him, sitting down onto the couch by his head lifting it up to rest it on her head as she started playing slowly with his hair, soothing his feelings like she used to do it hours when they laid in bed together and now it brought memories back to his mind that brought with them tears to his eyes. "What happened to us, Ali?"He asked in a whisper, staring up at her as she shrugged her shoulders, her fingers still in his hair. "We grew up, Jones."She answered. "Moved on with our lifes, like we were supposed to do even when we did it wrong but there was no one who could point that out to us, so we get on going, thinking what we're doing right, thinking we had it all in our hands."She explained softly as he was all ears for her explanation. "And then we crashed."She added softly, her blue eyes finding his eyes, always like she knew exactly why he had picked up that beer bottle. "But remember this, Jonesy, each time you crash. I come here and pick up the pieces to mend you like you think no one can, I will stick those pieces back together because I believe in you, I believe in..."She stopped, thinking about her words to feel how he grabbed her hand in his. "Us?"He asked, questions laying in his eyes as she nodded at that, kissing his hand. "I believe in us."

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