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"My mother is gone, Jug."Betty whispered once he opened the door of the trailer. "What do you mean, Mrs. C is gone?"Jughead asked confused holding his girlfriend in his arms as she cried, not paying any attention to FP sitting in the background, acting all too busy watching television while his attention had been pulled straight away by the mention of Alice. "I came home from school and she was just gone. She doesn't answer my calls or my texts. I'm worried, Jug. She has been trying to act all tough after what happened with dad being the Black Hood."She whispered as Jughead looked back at his dad for a help. "I'll hear around."He said, turning off the television as he stood up. "I'll let you know when I know more."He added before leaving the trailer.


"How I should have known you would be here, Alice."FP spoke as he leant against the tree, looking at the empty bottles around her along with shattered glass. "Here to join the pity party?"She asked in a slur holding up a bottle that was almost empty. "I came looking for you because your daughter is worried."He answered, slowly making his way towards her, sitting next to her. "I just had to get out off that house."She whispered, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Everywhere I go, I feel like he is still there."She added taking another gulp of the bottle. "So you decide to come hide by Sweet Water River like you used to do and drink yourself to oblvious?"He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe I knew you would find me."She muttered under her breath, staring up at the sky as he fished his phone out off his pocket, texting Jughead quickly. "We're going to go home."He said softly, standing up holding his hand out for her, to pull her up. "Home is the reason I'm here."She answered, ignoring my hand that was still held out for her. "Our home."He added softly causing her to look up curious before her hand found his, letting him pull her up. "I didn't know we had a home."She muttered, her grip on his hand tightened. "We always have a home together."He said back putting his helmet on her before taking off his jacket helping her in it, zipping it all the way up. "Home is with you."She muttered wrapping her arms around him as they sat on his motorcycle, driving through Riverdale 'till they came by his trailer, knowing Jughead and Betty had left just like he asked them to. "The kids are at your place."He said, taking the helmet off her. "I'm sure you wouldn't want Betty to see you like this."He added with a small smile as she nodded her head at that. "Thank you, FP."She whispered as he slipped his hand in hers, pulling her with him towards the trailer. "I would do anything for you, Al."

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