Christmas Special

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"Shut up, Jones."She hissed, warning him to keep his mouth closed as she took a botttle of whiskey, studying it as if she was still deciding while she had already made up her mind. Her blue eyes often going to the counter where a middle aged man sat, staring at the little television he had next to him. Obviously not really happy that he had to work on Christmas. But she didn't care. "What are you going to do?"He asked in a whisper, looking up at the ceiling trying to find some cameras that would give them away, that would be prove of their crime. "You're a Serpent, Forsythe."She said softly, glaring at him. "Act like one."She added, putting the bottle of whiskey in her bag before making her way to the exit, her hood over her head to keep her face slightly hidden. "Ey, you two!"The man called from behind the counter, a finger pointed towards them as FP stopped, wanting to turn around to only feel how she pulled him with her, running outside the store without a single doubt, a smile on her lips as she ignored the owner of the store calling after them while FP just followed not really knowing what else to do. Why did he decide to tag along? 

"You stole alcohol."He muttered when they entered Sunnyside Trailer Park, disbelief in his voice. "No, I gave myself a little present."She corrected him, making her way towards the dirty old trailer that was from her family, going to the side of it to climb onto the roof, followed by him. "It doesn't work like that."He said back while she just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care."She said simply, opening the bottle. "You could have got caught."He said, trying to make her realize how stupid her action was while it was really a lost cause. "Then I would have spent Christmas in jail, Jones."She said back, her blue eyes finding his brown eyes. "I don't care about that."She added, taking a sip from the bottle before handing it to him. "You should think more about your actions."He muttered, accepting the bottle, slightly defeated as she just smiled at that. "I thought about it. I thought about the kind of alcohol I wanted."She threw back, feeling his glare on her. "Now, try to relax, Jones. It's only Christmas once a year."She added, taking the bottle back from him, raising it to the nightsky as if she held a toast while there was nothing they could really toast over. Nothing they really achieved except from slipping between the Sheriff's fingers which wasn't a good thing if you asked him. "I thought you hate Christmas?"He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I do."She answered straight away, taking another sip. "Everyone acts happy like one big happy family with their fake smiles while they really hate each other's guts."She explained, her eyes focused on the nightsky. "I don't like the pretending this day brings with it. Like suddenly we can be happy with what we have."She added. "Are you not happy about anything?"He asked carefully as she turned around to look at him. "I'm happy you are here with me, Jonesy."She answered, a slight smile on her lips as he smiled back like a fool. "I'm happy I'm with you."He said back, crawling closer towards her, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "Merry Christmas, Ali."He whispered, wrapping arms around her body as she leant against him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace, the feeling it brought to her. Maybe she hated Christmas a little less thanks to him. 

"Merry Christmas, Jonesy."

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