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Then came you and I was at a loss of words. Nothing seemed to be able to describe the feelings that were going insane in my body. Your eyes locked with mine and told a story that I wanted to hear every detail of. A story I heard more than once...

"Alice Smith, what a surprise to find you here. Lowered your standards, sweetheart?"FP Jones asked, a smirk on his lips as he watched how the blond-haired woman looked around, trying to find something that had changed over the years but nothing really had. "FP Jones, I can't say I'm surprised to find you here."She threw back, her blue eyes taking him in for a moment. "I see Gladys isn't by your side anymore, highered your standards, darling?"She added before walking to the bar where Hogeye had already prepared her drink, greeting her with a kind smile. "Good to see you, Alice."He said with a nod. "So I highered my standards and you lowered them, Ali. Makes me feel like we're almost on the same height."FP said, taking the seat next to her at the bar, waving at Hogeye for another beer. "I hit bottom with my ex-husband."She muttered, taking a sip from her drink while her statement sparked FP's curiousity. "Ex as in you're divorced?"He asked carefully. "Isn't that obvious, Jones. I thought you already knew."She answered, finishing her drink. "That's why I'm celebrating."She added just as Hogeye put a beer in front of FP. "Another one, Alice?"He asked, looking at the empty glass. "Double it, Hogeye."She answered with a smile before turning her attention back to FP. "How about you, Jones? What brings you here except the beer?"She asked curious, her blue eyes holding his brown ones. "I'm celebrating also, isn't it obvious, Smith?"He asked back, showing his hands where no longer was a wedding ring. "That's the reason why Gladys was in town. So you shouldn't worry about me and her getting back together. You know I highered my standards, Ali."He added with a wink taking a sip from his beer. "She wasn't good for you."She muttered, smiling at Hogeye when he brought her drinks. "He wasn't good for you to."He said softly, a hand resting on her leg, giving it a soft squeeze. "Guess we both made the same mistakes."He added with a small smile. "I guess I now realize what really are mistakes."She said, her hand resting on his. "Together we only made one."She added. "Breaking up."He added before she could. "But you know what is so good about mistakes, you can make up for them if you want to."He explained, turning his hand around, taking hers tightly in his, pulling her carefully off the bar stool. "Be my everything so I can give you what you deserve, Smith."He whispered. "The only thing I need now is you, Jones."She whispered back, reaching up to connect their lips for a tender kiss. "Seems like we were meant to come here tonight."She added amused. "We're just meant for each other, sweetheart."

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