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Desire; to have a to someone a strong sexual attraction to someone.

How his eyes had been focused on her the moment she stepped inside the Speakeasy, a smile on her pink lips as she greeted Hermione Gomez with a kiss on the cheek and a hug, hugging Fred Andrews tightly before her blue landed on him, sitting the seat next to Fred. "Hey, Ali."He greeted her with a smile. "Hello, FP."She said back, matching his smile before sliding in the seat next to him. Her attention on Hermione who was telling the story about the awkward conversation she and Fred had about their relationship with their kids as FP studied the woman sitting next to him. She never changed a single bit, she had always been beautiful but in his eyes on that moment she seemed even more beautiful than ever. He wasn't drunk if you would suggest that. No, he hadn't drink since he finally stopped with the Serpents, not stopped like completely quit being one, no he stopped with the whole bussiness around it and since then he had touched a single beer, look at the coke standing on the table in front of him. "I have never been more ashamed in that moment."Hermione finished with a chuckle as she rested a hand on Fred's leg, giving him a smile which he sended right back to her. "How have you been, Alice?"She asked next looking at her friend. "I'm alright, dealing with some bussiness around the Register."She explained, taking a sip from her wine that Veronica had brought. "But apart from that, I'm doing absolutely fine."She added with a smile, a happy smile, one she had rarely given these past few months. "I'm glad to have the old Alice back."Fred said, looking at his best friend sitting next to him, noticing him staring at Alice. "How are you, FP?"He asked, pulling his friend's attention who felt like a kid stealing a cookie as Fred raised an amused eyebrow. "I'm alright."He answered, slightly unsure as blue eyes looked at him with curiousity in them. "You don't sound so sure about that, Jones."She commented as his brown eyes looked at her. "I'm alright but lonely."He said, correcting himself as an explanation towards her which he did not need to give but simply gave to her. He would give away his deepest secrets if she only looked at him. If she only knew how much power she had over him...

"Isn't everyone a little lonely?"She asked softly, taking another sip from her wine with a sad smile. She knew how he felt, she herself felt quite lonely. Her oldest daughter still didn't talk to her mother and her youngest was more with her boyfriend than with her mother. "I believe so, Ali."He muttered, taking his glass in his hand not noticing the gazes their friends exchanged. "We're going to get something upstairs from Pop's quick, do you guys want something?"Hermione asked standing up as she pulled Fred up also, a sign that he was joining her. "No, thank you."Alice said with a smile towards the couple as FP shook his head, rather wanting to stay with Alice here. "Alright, we'll be back in a couple of minutes."Hermione said as she and Fred left them behind, giving them some much needed space. "Do you think they did that for a reason, Jones?"She asked curiously, noticing how the couple threw one last glance at their friends before going upstairs. "They did that for sure."He muttered, not that he minded it. Absolutely not, he loved being alone with her even if it was on purpose or if they would not exchange any words. Just knowing that she was with him, was enough to satisfy him. "Sometimes they are unbelievable."She said back with a soft chuckle. "Only sometimes, Ali?"He asked with a raised eyebrow, amused at the statement because he couldn't count it on his hands all the time they did something like that. He could still remember when they put together a blind date for them without knowing that they were already together. Not that he also minded that moment because the date was perfect. 

"Don't you find it funny how things turns out, FP?"She asked softly, putting down her glass to turn in her seat, facing him decently as he did the same. "Some but others I don't."He answered with a sad smile, his hand resting on her leg before he could stop himself. "Others I simply regret. Sometimes I would love to turn back time and change some things."He explained, finding her blue eyes staring at him. "Still you always have the time to change your mistakes in the future."She said back, covering his hand with hers. "But I don't know if they can be changed."He threw back, searching those beautiful eyes of hers. "You only know if you try, Jonesy."She said back softly, almost a whisper. "Perhaps it is a mistake both people regret making."She added with a small smile. "Then I would love to change it right here and right now if you want to."He said, leaning closer towards her, to put a strand of hair, behind her ear. A twinkle in his brown eyes, wishing that she wanted this just as badly as he wanted it. "There is nothing I want more, Jones."

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