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She stopped loving Hal, she even doubted that there was something called love between them as he had been her ticket out of the Southside and she was for him a trophy, he made a Southsider a Northsider. But love? They had two beautiful daughters and that was something she had absolutely no regrets of but love? Did she ever really love him? Or could they simply stand each other? Did she love FP? That she could answer for sure. She loved him deeply even with all the trouble he caused. Yes, she loved him. There was no doubt in that. 

But would she risk her heart again? That was the question right now as she sat in her car in the parking lot of Pop's staring at FP who still stood on the spot they had talked, clearly progressing everything that had been said and a part of her was trying to guess what was going on inside his head while another part of her just wanted to drive her car away and register it all. Catching up... That's what he called it. Would they catch up on everything that happened in their life or would they bring up everything they had been through together? Or did he mean he was going to catch her heart once again and treasure it? So many unanswered questions. Questions she longed an answer for. Answers she was curious about. 

God, why did it all feel so complicated suddenly? If people loved each other they should go for it, shouldn't they? If you love someone, you should love them. But she was afraid of the losing part that she had already suffered. But why was she now so afraid for something so unsure? Giving it a go wouldn't mean they would make the same mistakes again, did it? No. She loved him and she loves him. That, that was the answer. She loves him with everything in her heart. 

She watched him enter Pop's again, talking to Fred Andrews who handed him back the washcloth a curious expression on her neighbour's face, curious about how the conversation went as she felt how she pulled her key back out, not starting the engine of her car before carefully slipping out of it, locking it as she made her way back to the Diner, opening the door as the bell above it, alarmed them that she had entered again as Fred rose a curious  eyebrow while FP simply smiled. "It is a yes."She said, not able to hide the small smile that formed on her lips. "I thought I owned you the answer."She added with a wink, opening the door again to leave the Diner this time for sure to only feel how a hand grabbed hers, pulling her back. "You don't own me anything, Ali."He said softly, his brown eyes holding her blue ones. "Now, I don't, Jonesy."She said back, her hand rested on his chest, ignoring Fred who tried to not intentionally listen to their conversation. "So I pick you up tonight?"He asked, that goofy smile on his lips as he squeezed her hand. "I hope so, Jones."She answered amused. "I'll pick you up at 8."He said, placing a kiss on her hand. "I'll be waiting for you."She said back, leaving the Diner once he let her hand go, the smile not dissapearing from her face. 

She felt happy. Yes but more than happy. And nervous. 

Very nervous.

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