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It was her third drink or maybe her fifth already? To be honest, she didn't count them anymore. She was just waiting for the alcohol to make her head a blur and to simply forget everything, forget the reason why she was sitting at the bar in the Whyte Wyrm in the first place. "Shouldn't you slow down, Alice?"Hog Eye asked unsure as she finished her glass once again. "Shouldn't you fill me another drink?"She threw back with a raised eyebrow. "Or should I go to another bar perhaps?"She added to only hear a chuckle come from behind her. "Hard to find another bar, Cooper."FP spoke, sitting down on the bar stool next to hers. "Or you gonna get drunk in Pop's?"He added with a smirk, gesturing at Hog Eye for a beer. "I have enough wine at home."She said, standing up to only feel how her legs felt like jelly. "Can I get a water here?"FP asked as his hands rested on her hips, keeping her steady, carefully leading her to sit down in a booth, going back to the bar to get his beer and a water for her. 

"I don't need a babysit, Jones."She muttered, pushing the water away from her. "I need another drink."She added, glaring at Hog Eye who kept himself busy cleaning the bar. "If you keep going like this, you won't be able to get back home to your daughter and husband."He said back, watching her closely to notice the frown that appeared on her face dissapearing immediately to hide behind a cold expression. "I have nothing to go home to anymore, Forsythe."She muttered, taking his beer out of his hand to take a sip from it as he only noticed now that her wedding ring was gone. "Are you divorced?"He asked confused, taking the bottle out of her hands, putting it a distance from her before he took her hand in his, stroking the spot where her ring used to be. "I threw it at him yesterday."She muttered, her blue eyes focused on their hands. "But a divorce is possibly on its way."She added with a sigh. "Things not going smoothly anymore?"He asked, not that he cared. Well, he cared about her but not about that asshole she married. Damn, he couldn't even understand why she married him in the first place. She could have...Well, they could have been still together and perhaps they wouldn't be sitting here...

"Have they ever gone smoothly?"She asked back, pulling her hand away from his. "In a relationship you're supposed to love each other, for better and for worse. But I'm really wondering now if he has ever really loved me, genuinly."She explained. "The only thing he really cares about, is his reputation."She added, wondering if she could get the bottle but feeling FP's eyes on her made her realize all she was having was the glass of water that still stood in front of her as she absently felt the rim of the glass with her finger.  "Why did you stay with him, Alice?"He asked softly. "I didn't want my children to go through what I had to go through. I needed for them to have a steady family even it meant pretending."She answered truthfully, feeling how his hand found hers once again, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You deserve real happiness, Ali."He whispered. He always wanted the best for her, it is what she deserves. Only the best. He knew that he could never really give it to her but he also knew that that excuse of a man couldn't give it to her either. "Yet, I'm sitting here, drinking away my problems."She threw back with a soft chuckle, raising her glass of water. "Like the good old times."She added as he laughed at that, remembering all too well the times they both sat at the bar, drinking away their problems together. "Picking up old habits."He said, feeling how her fingers entangled with his. "What happened to us, Jonesy?"She asked in a whisper, a part of her was afraid for his answer but another wanted to know it. What made the distance between them?

"Life happened, Ali."The words left his lips easily, almost like it was the only answer that existed to that question while there were more answers he could have given to her but he chose specifically for that one. For which reason? No, idea. Maybe to show the uncertainty that he felt over them? Life happened, but it could mean that maybe life would push them back together. Something he had thought about while serving his time in prison. He wondered what would have become of his life if he didn't leave her and she didn't leave him. Would they have beautiful children together? Would they live in the Northside or the Southside? "I don't like that because I feel like life screwed us over."She said back softly, squeezing his hand slightly. "Don't you ever wonder what we could have been?"She asked, her blue eyes finding his brown ones, questions visible in hers but in them he found another emotion that he wasn't expecting to find in her eyes ever again. "We could have been together still."She added with a sad smile on her lips. "You and I."His lips found hers before he could even register what he was doing, before he could even see if this was a risk worth to take. But it didn't matter because kissing her was something he would always do when he could, no matter the risk it brought with it. "We still could be, Ali."

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