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"What do you want to be, Ali? Stuck or free?"

"I don't want to uncertain, Jones."She had answered swiftly, pushing him back to create a distance between them, a distance she had always applied but on this night she had let him pass and already felt regret now. She wasn't stuck. No, she decided to move to the Northside for her own personal reasons and he couldn't tell her what it made her. Maybe she didn't want to be that free as she used to be because it brought her more than once in the Sheriff Station and she didn't want to that all over again. No, absolutely not. "When were you uncertain, Alice?"He asked back, raising an eyebrow at her as she just glared at him. "You made me uncertain."She hissed, slapping his hand away when he tried to put a strand of her blond hair behind her ear. "You fucking pushed me away when I tried to help you. I needed you back then but you couldn't see it and now you're blaming me for leaving the Southside?! Do you actually realize how shitty you made me feel?"She asked, letting go of all the emotions she held in back then as he just watched her, studied her. "I was there for you, I helped you, I stood by your side. But I needed you to see me yet you were blind!"She yelled, tears threatening to spill.How she didn't want to cry over him, cry for him. But yet those tears escaped as she pushed him back when he tried to close the distance, tried to comfort her but she wouldn't let him as she just made her way through the crowd, going for the doors. She just shouldn't have come here. Look what it brought her. Absolutely nothing but pain. 

"Alice, don't run away like you always do!"He yelled leaving the bar right after her, trying to catch up with her, trying to stop her from driving away to the Northside of town. "I didn't run away, Jones! You pushed me away, learn the difference!"She yelled, turning around as fury was visible in her eyes. How could he still be blaming her for leaving?! "But you left."He said coldly as she groaned at that. "What was I supposed to do then? Do you remember how you broke up with me? Were you really thinking I would stick around to only get rubbed in the fact that we were no longer together? That I would hurt myself every single day again by only seeing your face and realizing what we would never have!"She threw back, glaring at him. How could it still hurt this much? "I tried to keep you safe."He said calmly, studying her as she snorted at that. "I would have gone to hell and back for you, FP."She said coldly as her blue eyes held his brown ones. "I didn't mind the dangers it brought as long as I could be with you."She added, trying to calm herself slightly down as the emotions washed over her. "But I minded the dangers."He muttered, rubbing through his hair as he did not know what else he could say. He never stopped to think about how much it could have hurt her and now it was hitting him right in the face. "You shouldn't have looked at that. You should have looked at me instead."She said back, wiping away the tears, knowing her mascara would be smudged and that she was possibly looking like a raccoon at the moment.

"I'm looking now at you, Alice."He said softly, closing the distance between them expecting her to step back but she did not. No, she letted him cross the distance to stop right in front of her, staring down at her. "But it's too late now."She said back. "Are you sure?"He asked, his hands cupping her face. "No."She muttered. He always made her doubt everything like he did now. Was it really too late because they stood here right now. "I care about you, Ali."He muttered, a sad smile on his lips. "And I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to keep you safe."He added, his brown eyes showing so much emotions to her. The emotions she had looked for back then and now he was presenting them to her. Asking her if she would take the jump and risk it all or let go and lose it all. Either way it was uncertain. But she never minded the uncertainty. No, she was from the Southside after all. And there they never let something go without a fight. No, they would risk everything even if it was for absolutely nothing. "You're a dumbass."She whispered, closing the distance between them, her lips finding his once again this night but now it wasn't just a kiss between two ex lovers. No, now it was a kiss between lovers. And she was going to hold onto him for as long as he would let her and he would hold her and carry her through all the possible dangers they would face. With her, he could conquer them. With her. That was just meant to be.

"I love you, Ali."

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