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"How long do you think it will take?"She asked in a whisper, letting her finger trail over his chest. "I don't know, Ali."He answered, his arm rested around her, holding her body close against him, almost making her lay on top of him. "I wish we can one day wake up like this every morning."She muttered, her blue eyes looking up at him. "One day we will, babe."He said back, kissing her forehead with a smile on his lips. "But don't forget we need to have a conversation with our kids then."He added, poking her nose as she cringed at that, almost forgetting that that conversation had to take place. Perhaps she had pushed it that far away that it didn't even seem important anymore but they really had to talk about it. She was pretty nervous for that, afraid for their reaction to the news that their parents are dating but  in all honesty even if the conversation would go badly she wouldn't give up this relationship. Not again...

No, now she was going to hold onto it for dear life and fight for it with everything in her body. It felt ages ago when she last felt so loved by someone and he did it so smoothly, almost like he never did anything else than love her. And perhaps that was even true. Because in all honesty, he had never stopped loving her even when she walked out of his life. In his heart he had always cherished her, admired her and loved her so fucking much that it felt like a dream to have her in his arms once again. No, he wouldn't let her go either. "I love you, Ali, you know that?"He asked softly, letting the words slip past his lips, stroking her hair as her head shot up a that, looking at him as she rested on her elbows. "I thought love was something crazy?"She asked with a small smile. "Well, I'm crazy for you, Alice Smith."He answered with a wink. "I'm so damn crazy for you that I would scream it from the rooftops!"He exclaimed as she laughed at that, her eyes lighting up. "I love you also, Jonesy. Very very much."She said, kissing his lips with each word she said. "And I'm crazy for you."


"Could we have a talk with you two?"FP asked as Betty and Jughead were about to leave the trailer to only be surpised at his request as Jughead simply raised a curious eyebrow as he only saw his father and wondered who the we was refering to. "With the both of us?"Betty asked surprised, pointing from her to Jug as FP nodded his head. "Yes, the two of you."Another voice said as Alice left the bedroom of FP, a small smile on her lips as Jug frowned while Betty tried to put all the pieces together in the hope of figuring it out before they would tell them. "There is something we need to discuss."She added, making her way towards the couch as she sat down while FP took the place next to her, waiting for their children to do the same as they still stood by the door, trying to progress everything that was happening on the moment. Why did their parents want to talk to them together? 

"What's going on, dad?"Jughead asked finally able to move as he sat down on the couch as Betty followed closeby, taking a seat next to him, looking at her mother curious. "Your mother and I decided to get divorced."FP explained as Jughead only now noticed the wedding ring missing as Betty quickly looked for her mother's to also find that one missing. "You're divorced, mom?"She asked, hoping for a part that her mother simply forgot to wear it to only see how her mother nodded her head at that. "Your father and I grew too much apart."She explained with a sad smile as Betty's eyes narrowed slightly when FP laid a hand on her mother's leg. "And why do you wanted to tell this together?"Betty asked skeptical, raising an eyebrow. "Because we are seeing each other and wanted to tell you guys this."Her mother answered, resting her hand on  FP's. "You're dating my girlfriend's mother, dad!"Jughead said schocked, looking from Alice to his father and back. "To be quite honest, you first started to date my ex her daughter."FP corrected his son with a small smile as Alice couldn't help but to chuckle at that. "Yeah, but! That's not the same!"Jug threw back quickly, shaking his head. "Do you love him, mom?"Betty asked softly, staring at her mother, not anything visible on her face that could tell what she was thinking about this situation as Alice looked at FP, a smile forming on her lips. "Very much."She answered as FP looked at her now also, smiling brightly at that. "Do you love my mom, Mr. Jones?"Betty asked next looking at the man sitting next to her mother who was still looking at her mother with a smile, his hand squeezing her mother's hand. "With my whole heart."

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