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It was no secret that Alice had made herself quite the reputation of cold-hearted bitch. She was a professional at digging up dirt about anyone here in Riverdale and it made  her not that loved with a lot of people. So it was no wonder when the arrest of Hal Cooper, her husband, spred all through the town, making sure everyone knew about it. That every person knew that Alice Cooper had some dirt to be found also. 

People had been gathering in front of the Cooper's household, trying to get a peek inside the house of the Black Hood, the man who killed to get rid of the sinners in Riverdale. His first victim, Fred Andrews had been watching the house from the window, a mug of coffee in his hands. He did not blame her for what Hal Cooper did even when she partly blamed herself for it. She was so good in digging and knowing the darkest secrets of people but she did not notice how her husband had the darkest secret anyone could ever have. How she doubted that he had a spine. A thing she had showed before when Betty had accused her father of murdering Jason Blossom. How she laughed at that accusation and see where they are standing now. Her husband was in jail, facing his crimes, divorce papers laying on the coffee table waiting to be signed and a family that would never be the same. A family that was broken, ruined. 

Alice witnesed how her eldest daughter went back to that farm with her grandchildren and her youngest daughter stayed rather with her boyfriend or her friends than stay in the house that was once her home. A house that held so many secrets, that the good ones were nothing compared to this one thing. How hard she had tried to create the perfect family, a family that would be a safe haven for her children, where they would never feel unwanted or unsafe. Look where they are now. The total oppossite had happened in fact. 

Her eyes traveled to the spot by the stairs where Betty had knocked out Hal when he tried to choke her mother. Betty's eyes had been full of fear as she had seen how her mother stood up to her husband, not showing any emotion or just fear. No she had seen how her mother held a neutral expression on her face, accusing him of adulterer himself with Penelope Blossom something she had found out thanks to her daughter, who couldn't keep it a secret once Cheryl Blossom told the news. Betty looked up at her mother at how brave she was that night but after that night, Betty didn't want to be in that house again. The images of what happened kept flashing by so she had packed a bag and left the next morning staying with Jughead. Alice did not have it in her to stand up to her daughter and tell her she couldn't. 

Because in all honesty, she would have done the same. She would have packed her bags herself and ran away to somewhere she felt safe, someone who would hold her in a protective embrace and promise her to protect her from any harm the world would try to do to her. The problem was, she did not know such a place anymore. She would have gone to FP Jones but after their night together, he had given her the cold shoulder making her think it was a mistake from them and then she dropped the bomb that they had a son together, a dead son. If that was not a way of killing a relationship...

Her thoughts got interrupted when there was a knock on the frontdoor causing her heart to freeze in her chest as she slowly made her way towards the door, fingers holding the doorknob tightly, waiting for the person behind it to knock again or reveal their identity. As she had thought, there was soon another knock causing her put on a  mask, hiding any emotions before opening the door, raising an eyebrow before even realizing who stood there. "FP?"She questioned, her mask dropping instantly on the floor, surprised to find him in front of her door. "Thought you could use some company, Alice."He said, entering the house as she shut the door still utterly confused about his visit as she watched him take a seat on the couch, making himself comfortable. "And who would I be in need of company?"She asked skeptical, taking a seat on the couch, leaving a proper distance between them as he eyed the distance with a raised eyebrow. "Because you haven't left the house in weeks according to Fred."He explained, closing the distance between them. "I never asked you how you were."He said softly, a hand resting on her leg. "I should have come to you straight away or just when Betty showed up on my doorstep with a bag in her hand."He added. "There is no need to be sorry."She said back, plastering a smile on her face as she stood up. "Do you want to drink something?"She asked, entering the kitchen. "I've got coffee, tea..."She summed up, ignoring the empty wine bottles next to the fridge. "I even have a bottle of white wine."She added, opening it already as she was in desperate need for a glass of wine. Let's be honest a bottle of wine.

"Some coffee, please."He answered as he entered the kitchen, leaning against the counter watching her fill a glass of white wine before taking a mug out of the cupboard, filling it with coffee. "Now tell me why are you trying to change the subject, Ali?"He said softly, taking the mug from her, placing it next to him on the counter. "No more lies."He added, repeating what she had said that day in his trailer when she dropped the news of their son. "Because I don't know how I'm supposed to feel."She answered, her voice cracking slightly. "How are you supposed to feel when your husband turns out to be murderer? When he planned to kill his family!"She said, tears forming in her blue eyes as she took a sip of her wine, shaking her head lightly. "What do you expect me to say."She muttered. "That you're not fine, that this is killing you."He said, taking a step closer towards her. "I know how you would feel, I know you, Ali."He whispered, cupping her cheek in his hand. "You're blaming yourself. You're blaming yourself for not seeing that he was a murderer. You feel like you have ruined your family."He added, stroking her cheek. "While it's not your fault. He ruined it."He whispered causing the tears that had been building up these weeks to finally escape her eyes as a sob left her lips. "I letted him ruin it."She whispered, wiping them away. "Stop blaming yourself, Alice."He said, taking her hands in his, stopping her from wiping the tears away. "Stop taking the blame for something you could have done nothing against. If you're to blame than so am I because I could have stopped you from going back to him."He said, wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tightly. 

Holding her in his arms, in a protective hug. "I could have kept you safe, Ali."He whispered, stroking her hair. "I could have protected you."He murmured, feeling how her arms wrapped around him, holding him. "Don't...Don't leave me."She whispered, heartbroken and it hurt him so much to see her like this. "Leaving you was the biggest mistake I could have ever make."He whispered, pulling back from the hug to stare in those beautiful blue eyes of hers. "And I won't make it again."He added. "I promise I will keep you safe."He said softly, leaning down to place a tender kiss on her lips. "If you let me."He added as she closed her eyes, resting her face against his chest. "I need you, FP."

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