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"So you said, you've found somebody else"

She had noticed them straight away, her grip on her glass tightened, watching him walk inside with someone else by his side. Not that she should blame him for that as it is what she told him to do. 

"And I prayed, that that was just a lie"

But perhaps she didn't think he would show up with someone new here, at Hermione's party. The line bring a date would mean for any guest to bring someone with them but she came alone, didn't that mean something? "You're staring very intensly."Hermione commented, watching her best friend take another sip from her wine. "I am not."She quickly said with a glare, putting her glass down. "How about we have some fun, Gomez?"She asked, taking Hermione's hand, pulling her on the dancefloor. She just should keep her mind of that. "I think that is a good idea but someone seems to want to have a talk."Hermione said back, slipping away as FP's hand rested on  her waist. "A dance, Smith?"

"So I said I loved you one more time"

"Won't your girlfriend be jealous, Jones?"She asked back with a raised eyebrow, her hand resting on his shoulder almost automatically. "She knows we're just friends."He answered as she couldn't help to feel a pain in her heart at that statement. Just friends... "Are we just that, Forsythe?"She asked softly, her hand grabbing the cloth of his shirt. "It's what you wanted us to be, don't forget that, Ali."He said back with a sad smile. "Would it do anything if I said I still love you?"

"In case that would change your mind"

"Just complicate stuff."He answered, not saying it back like she thought he would. "You chose the Northside but I'm a Southsider."He said softly, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You deserve a safe life."

"You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else""

"I know you can find someone who can give you the perfect family you wish for. Give you assurance."He whispered, his brown eyes staring in her blue ones. "I don't need assurance, Jones."She said back, taking his hand in hers. "You deserve better."

"Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close"

"I am a Southside scum like they call it in the Northside, no future."He whispered, cupping her cheeks. "You have a bright future ahead of you and I will only ruin it. I am a bad influence, one you should keep far away from you."

"And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"

The words left his lips so easily while all she could do was stare at him and wonder if these words were really coming from him and not from someone else who was controlling his mind. "You don't mean that."She muttered with a shake of her head, tears filling her eyes. "Don't, don't..."

"You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else""

"Don't, Ali."He quickly said, stopping her from finishing her sentence. "Don't say it, sweetheart."He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. "Live the life you always wanted."

"I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else"

"But you want me to do it with someone else."She whispered back as he closed his eyes at that. "It is for the best."

"So you said, you've found, somebody else"

"You've a new boyfriend and I have a new girlfriend."He went on, taking a step back from her as the music ended. "Maybe we were only meant to be just friends."

"And I hoped, that this, wasn't goodbye"

"And what if I don't want that, Jones?!"She asked back, wishing that this wasn't actually happening. Maybe if she pinched herself, she would wake up and see that this was only just a bad dream. 

"But I can't help but wonder what went wrong"

He couldn't be meaning this, could he?

"To make "forever" dead and gone"

Did he simply forget everything they had gone through together or was it...just nothing? Did their love just fade away like it never existed? How...How could he say this?

"You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else""

"You will have beautiful children and I will be able to see you smile from a distance. You will be able to watch your children grow up in a safe environment."He continued. "Never worry about their safity like we used to worry about ours."

"Our love has gone cold and it doesn't feel like home when I hold you close"

"We had our time but it has come to an end now. I just want you to have the life you deserve."

"And I'm lookin' at you tryna figure out if this is what you really want"

"How can you know that that is the life I want, FP?"She asked softly, grabbing his hand in hers, squeezing it, wishing for him to just see that she wanted him and not that so called safe life in the Northside. "You always said you don't want to be like your parents."He said back. "You want your children to have a family that love them with every single fucking piece in their heart. The Southside is not a place that can give that to them."

"You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else""

"But I want that life with you!"She said back quickly as he just smiled at her. "I'm sorry, Ali."He whispered, pulling his hand out of hers, taking a step away from her, creating a distance between them. 

"You said "I don't want your body but I know that you can find yourself somebody else"

A distance that made her realize that this was in fact happening. He was letting her go...

"I guess I don't want your body if you're wishing you were lying here with someone else"

So she, she did the same...

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