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It always felt like she knew everything in her life. But lately is has been proving that she does not know everything. To know everything would be utterly impossible and that was something she knew. She had stopped controlling everything that happened in her life because you just had to let it roll and see how it unfolds.Or that was how FP claimed life to be.And for him it so worked out. He was never very controlling. The least...He did reach the bottom often of his life but he managed to get out of it. That was how life rolled its dices for him.

Maybe that is what scared her. What if life didn't have the best for her planned out? She was scared of it.Because her body wouldn't be able to take more hits.Her armour was broken and laid on the ground in front of her. Not a muscle in her body wanted to pick it up and give her back some fire.It got extinguished.

And now she felt broken beyond repair. She felt like an empty shell with nothing left inside, watching her daughter's worry grow as she grew more distance from everything and everyone but then there came he. Granting himself entrance to her house with the spare key she hid under the flowerpot on the windowsill. He came here everytime Betty left for school and stayed with her till her youngest daughter came back. Some days they didn't say a word to each other while he quietly did chores around the house, doing the dishes or repairing something that was broken and sometimes he talked while she just stared at him, watching his lips move but not registering the words that left his lips. And sometimes but very sometimes she would be able to say small sentences back but she enjoyed the moments where they would sit on the couch together, his arm resting around her shoulder holding her close to his body while she was leaning against him, finding comfort with him, a shelter to maybe call home. 

She didn't know how to say how much she appreciated it but she knew he knew without that she had to tell him. 

"How about we burn some of these old stuff?"He asked carefully, putting another photograph in a box, holding it up while looking at her as she simply shrugged her shoulders at that, not really knowing what she thought of that. "It could be like putting an end to that whole misery."He added, putting the last thing in the box before fully giving her all his attention. "Burn it all down."He muttered, holding his lighter up in hope of getting something out of her to only see how she nodded her head lightly an answer to his question. "Let's do it then, Ali."He said with a smile, carrying the box outside before coming back inside, holding his hand out for her to take as she carefully took it feeling him squeeze hers with a smile on his lips. "You're gonna be okay, babe."He muttered, leading her outside in the garden. "We're gonna be okay."He added softly, putting everything together in a firepit before handing her the lighter, giving her control over this moment. Giving her yet again the option to do it or to not do it. 

Whatever she picked, he wouldn't mind. But a part hoped that this could give her some enclosure about everything that went down. A part of him wanted to get back the old Alice and he knew she was somewhere deep down there. He didn't mind all the time he had to spend to find her, he would spend a lifetime to get her. "Does...Does it change anything?"She asked in a whisper, holding the lighter in her hand as he did some fuel on the pictures and all the rest of the stuff she didn't want to see anymore. "Maybe, are you willing to test it?"He asked back, his brown eyes studying her as she lighted it all, watching it go down in flames, stepping closer towards him as his arm went around her waist, pulling her even closer. "You just ended it now."He muttered, placing a soft kiss in her hair as her head rested against his chest, holding the fabric of his shirt tight in her hand. 

Maybe in that moment she realized how much she needed him in her life.

In that moment she knew that they would be okay...

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