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"He called you, didn't he?"FP Jones asked when the blond-haired woman entered his office without even bothering to knock. "Hogeye called me."Alice answered, crossing her arms over each other before walking towards him, taking his chin between her fingers as she pushed his face up, studying the black eye better. "I thought you didn't fight anymore."She muttered, taking a handkerchief out of her pocket, dabbing on his lip as the white soon turned red. "I thought you didn't care anymore."He threw back, not wanting to talk about it as she just raised an eyebrow at that. She was used to that tune but right now she had more the right to talk like that than him. She hated how they waltzed past each other, afraid to get too close or too far, something in between. Afraid their eyes would meet and the unbearable tension between them would come back. Afraid to fall for each other. While falling they already had, they were now still laying on the ground, wondering if they should stand up and embrace their feelings or stay on the ground. 

"You know what your problem is, Forsythe?"She asked, throwing the handkerchief in the bin as she sat down on his desk in front of him while he refused to look at her. "You think too much."She said when he even refused to open his mouth and ask her what. "But if this is what you want, I will leave."She added quickly, standing up as she walked towards the door, opening it without looking at him as she walked downstairs finding four pair of eyes staring at her. "He is fine."She said coldly, not bothering to wait for them to say something as she just left the bar...


He was quicker to his feet than he thought he would, not even knowing why but soon he stood downstairs, looking at Hogeye who just gestured his head towards the door, an answer to the unasked question that was readable in his eyes as he left the bar, surprised to find her standing by her car, clearly waiting for something or rather someone. "You are an idiot, Jones."She said coldly, leaning against her car as her blue eyes found his brown ones. "You always work on my nerves and yet I want you to fucking run after me and tell me you need me, just like I need you."She ranted, letting it all out. As she made the choice in that moment. 

To stand up.

"You need me?"He asked, only hearing that part as the distance between them dissapeared as he suddenly stood in front of her, lifting her chin to make their eyes connect. "Of course you only hear that part, obviously!"She said still angry as the only thing that came up to his mind was to shut her mouth by pressing his lips onto hers, butterflies filling his stomach. No, fireworks were exploding. Time stopped right in its tracks as their lips just moved smoothly over each other, her arms lazily around his neck while his hands rested on her hips. 

"You talk too much, Allie."

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