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"Mom?"Betty asked confused as she entered the house, finding her mom standing in the kitchen, a glass of wine held tightly in her hand not noticing her daughter yet. "Are you alright, mom?"Betty asked again, entering the kitchen now causing Alice to turn around swiftly but only too swiftly as she wobbled on her legs, falling against the kitchen counter to hold her balance. "Elizabeth, you're home!"Alice said, slightly stumbling on her own words. "I came to pick up some things because I was planning to study with Jughead."Betty said unsure, not really wanting to leave her mother alone especially now that her mother was clearly drunk. "Nonsense! Go study with that...beanie boy!"Alice said, gesturing at the door, wine spilling from her glass causing her to look down at the ground at the stains before looking back up at her daughter. "I could ask Jughead to come here, mom."Betty suggested carefully. "You don't need to... change your plans for me."Alice said back, taking a sip from her glass. "I rather not leave you alone."Betty said softly, stepping closer towards her mother. "There's nothing that can happen to me. The Black Hood is gone, he's no longer living under the same room as us."Her mother said with a snort, looking around the house. "It's just you and me now..."She added in a murmur. "Polly left, Charles is dead and your father is a serial killer." She whispered, shaking her head as she walked towards the stairs. "And it's my fault."She added, walking up the stairs, leaving her daughter behind downstairs. 

"Hey, Jughead, can we change the plans a bit?"Betty asked, calling her boyfriend who was very surprised at that, packing his stuff together. "Uhm... Sure, you wanna meet in Pop's?"He asked, ignoring his father's curious gazes. "I wondered if we could study at my place. I don't wanna leave my mom alone at the moment."Betty explained, cleaning up the wine stains quickly. "Is she alright?"He asked carefully, taking his keys from the table. "She is drunk."Betty answered with a sigh, throwing the dirty towels in the sink. "Drunk?"Jughead repeated, earning his father's fullest attention now. "Yeah... Do you mind staying here then?"She asked softly, listening if she could hear sounds upstairs. "I'll be down there."Jughead said, waiting for Betty to end the call which she did after saying their goodbyes. "Is everything alright with Alice?"FP asked curious as his son looked at him for a moment, slipping in his Serpent jacket. "She may have had a few too many drinks."He answered, picking up his bag. "Make sure there is some ice cream."FP murmured, turning on the television as he received a raised eyebrow from Jughead at that comment. "I will."


"Hey, Jug."Betty greeted, pecking him softly on his lips before letting him inside, eyeing the plastic bag curiously. "Ice cream."Jug explained as Betty was about to question it when a door opened upstairs. "I forgot my wine."Alice murmured, coming downstairs, not paying attention to Betty and Jughead who still stood by the door. "Mom, you won't find wine in the freezer."Betty said when she and Jughead entered the kitchen. "No, I was just looking for some ice cream."Alice answered looking up at her daughter. "I got you covered, Mrs. S."Jughead said, holding up the plastic bag. "You're an angel."Alice said with a smile taking the plastic bag from him, before taking her bottle of wine. "You're just like your father, always knowing what to bring."She muttered under her breath as she went back upstairs leaving behind two confused teenagers. "Did...What did she mean?"Betty asked confused looking at Jughead. "I have no idea, I only know that I took the ice cream with me because dad told me to."He answered more confused at how his father would know that Alice would want some ice cream. "How does your father know?"Betty asked now, frowning not knowing that the subject of their thoughts had just parked his car in front of Fred Andrews' house. 

"FP, to what owe I this visit?"Fred asked, leaving the house just as FP stepped outside his car. "I'm gonna need to borrow a ladder."FP explained causing Fred to chuckle, shaking his head softly. "Wondered how long it would take before you would be asking me for a ladder."He muttered, opening the garage before gesturing at the ladder. "I hope you know which window."He added as FP picked up the ladder. "Of course I know, Fred."He said before walking towards the Cooper's house, well not really anymore since Alice signed a divorce... Details. He put the ladder against the house, carefully climbing up before knocking on the window, waiting for it to open. "FP?"Alice questioned surprise as she opened the window letting him slip inside. "Having a party without me, I see."He said amused, looking at the bottle of wine and noticing the ice cream next to it, making him smile. "And here you come crashing the party."She said back. "I'll go back down if you want."He said, gesturing at the window to only hear something falling as he turned quickly around. "You'll have to take the stairs then, Jones."She said with a smirk as he looked outside, staring down at the ladder that laid there now before someone came in the garden. "I'll take this one back?"Fred asked amused, picking up the ladder before leaving the garden again, chuckling to himself. "Is that your way of inviting me to stay, Ali?"He asked, closing the window as she had made herself back comfortable on the bed. "You invited yourself."She said back, waiting for him sit down by her which he did, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest as she leant back in the touch. "You love when I do that."He muttered, taking the spoon out of her hand as he took some ice cream. "I just love you."She muttered softly. "Is that the wine talking?"FP asked carefully, not sure what to think of that sudden confession. A part of him wished for her to be telling the truth to him but another part was just afraid that this was the alcohol talking. "No, my heart."

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