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A/N: I'm having an amount of one shots already written now as sudden inspiration had hit me and I took that with two hands because lately I haven't been doing well. Actually I've been terrible and I don't know if it will change so I took this chance to have some that I can regulary post from now. Hope you guys enjoy it! 


It had felt like his whole world had stopped in that minute. The towel he had in his hand was now on the floor while he just stared at Fred who understood the reaction of his best friend and was trying to predict what was going to happen next. Either way he predicted a certain chaos but the chaos he received was not the chaos he thought he was going to get. "It's her choice."FP said coldly, giving it the cold shoulder as he stooped down picking up the towel. "You're not going to stop her?"Fred asked confused, utterly confused. He expected FP to run out of Pop's to get his woman but instead he acted like a cold hearted bastard. That was not how this was supposed to go... "If she wants to join a crazy cult, it's up to her."FP answered, continuing cleaning the glasses. "I thought it was going well between you two."Fred muttered, thinking about the times he had seen him sneak out of her house, trying to not get caught by anyone especially Betty and now he was standing here, acting like that?

"I thought so but she rather wants to be there."FP answered, putting the towel down with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment before speaking again. "I'm not running after her anymore like a lovesick teenager."He added. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I talking to Forsythe Jones junior or?"Fred asked, finally showing his frustration about it. He cared about Alice as a friend and the idea of her going to that farm sending shivers up his spine but as he tried to change her mind he realized that FP could do that better than he ever could. He meant when they fought they were very very very close after it. Like very close if you understand what he is refering to. "What do you mean with that, Andrews?"FP asked back, raising an eyebrow. "Get yourself together, Forsythe, that is what I mean."Fred answered irritated before leaving Pop's, leaving his best friend rather flustered behind as he had never been told to, get himself together with other words, grow up, by his best friend. 


The sound of the doorbell came as a surprise by her, as she looked up from the magazine she was reading, calculating who was at her frontdoor before standing up to answer it. "Yes, what can I..."She started, opening the door as surprise was all written over her face, finding FP standing there in his Pop's uniform, hands on his hips as he stared at her with raised eyebrow. "Mind to elaborate on the fact that you're going to join that farm, Smith?"He asked, holding her blue eyes as she opened her mouth, ready to say something, to take it back by closing her mind. How was she going to explain that even? Could she decently explain it? Probably not...

"It's my decision, Jones. Can't I make my own decisions? Do I need to ask permission?"She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, not even asking him to enter as this conversation seemed to be going to take place by her frontdoor instead of inside the house. "Are you irritated because I didn't tell you about the bike I bought?"He asked, trying to connect the dots as he remembered how she had pulled back, hearing the sum he had paid for a new motorcycle. "I'm irritated because you're acting like I can't decide what I want to do with my life!"She threw back angry, stomping her feet as if it would make her words stronger while it only showed him that he was right with his conclusion. "You can decide whatever you want to do with your life as long as I can sleep next to you in bed."He answered, closing the distance between them, making her take a couple of steps back, granting him with acces to her house as he closed the frontdoor. "Joing that cult would mean that I wouldn't be able to wake up next to you and kiss you goodnight and goodmorning."He added, wrapping his arms around her waist carefully as he was not sure how she was going to react to find her posture softening at that. "I don't want to join it for nothing. I want my daughter and my grandchildren back, Jones."She answered, finally explaining to him the other reason behind it. "There are other ways to do that, ways we can do it together, Ali."He whispered back, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Don't do it on your own. I'm here for you and I always will be here for you."

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