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"You're ignoring me and I don't like it."He whispered, sliding in the booth she was sitting in, her blue eyes looking up at him. "You don't like a lot, Forsythe."She threw back, taking a sip from her milkshake as he groaned at that. "What did I do this time? Didn't slip out quiet enough for you, my lady?"He asked, wanting to know, needing to know what he did that made her ignore him for now almost a week because it was simply driving him insane. His mind had filled itself with possible reasons while he just needed the real reason why this was happening. "I like you, I love you, Smith."He said back, watching her closely, trying to read it from her face but nothing gave it away. "The only thing you can come up with, Jones?"She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "I love Jug, I love our family together, I love waking up with you draped over my body, I love kissing you, wrapping my arms around you."He started, summing up, leaning over the table to grab her hand. "I love the life we have."He added, placing a kiss on her hand, a small smile on his lips, wondering if she was going to say what was the matter now. Did he say everything he should say or should they spend the rest of their day in Pop's while he said all the things he loved, most of the things involved her. "Yet you managed to change it."She muttered under her breath, finishing her milkshake as she stood up, rather abruptly as he jumped to his feet, blocking her way. "What on earth have I done now!?"He asked slightly irritated, immediately regretting his tune when tears appeared in her eyes as she pushed him to the side, leaving Pop's without saying something as he earned a curious gaze from Pop. "Get after your girl, Jones."He ordered, gesturing at the door, pulling FP out of his confused trance as he immediately left the Diner once again blocking her the way before she could have opened her car door and ride away. "Talk to me, babe!"He pleaded, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her body against him to finally feel the walls collapsing as her arms wrapped around his neck. "I'm scared."She whispered, burying her face in his neck. "You don't have to be afraid alone, Ali."He muttered, stroking her blond hair. "I am here for you, you just need to let me in."He added, a kiss in her hair to feel her pull away. Her blue eyes finally looked in his brown ones. 

"I'm afraid cause I don't know what to do anymore."She said softly, her hand gripping his jacket, afraid he would leave her when the words left her lips. "I'm afraid because I'm scared of this new chapter."She muttered, confusing him even more as he tried to understand where this conversation was going. What was so scary about a new chapter? What new chapter could they possibly be starting? And how could it all be his fault in the first place? It's not like she... "Ali, can you please explain what you mean, I'm rather confused."He whispered, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm...We...You...There...I..."She started, searching for the right words as it suddenly seemed so hard to form any sentence. "I'm...Pregnant."She whispered the last part, her head bent down, staring at the ground to feel his finger push her chin up. Uncertainty in his brown eyes. "Can you repeat that just a bit louder, babe."He muttered, not dropping his hand that held her chin up high. "I'm pregnant, Jones."She repeated this time louder and not regretting anymore to say it out loud like it was a fault because her heart seemed to already know the reaction he would have as he slightly stood taller, his face going from confusion to pure happiness, hands resting on her belly now like he could feel the little baby in there already. "I'm gonna be a daddy."He whispered, his smile only growing more as he said those words. "We're gonna be parents, Ali."

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