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She had stayed...

She had stayed the night in the dirty trailer that felt more as a home to her than her own house. She didn't even know how it happened but somehow they both fell asleep on the couch and when she woke up with a sore neck and looked around she realized she never left. Leaving, she didn't think she would do it. "C'mon, Jones."She whispered, carefully lifting up his head to get off the couch as she placed a kiss on his forehead, hearing a mumble before he turned around on the couch, clearly not ready to wake up yet as she went on a mission to find some clean clothes as she entered his bedroom, wondering why on earth they didn't fall asleep there, it would have been so much more comfortable for her but here they were now and her neck was killing her. She wouldn't recommend it to anyone. 

But for him...

For him she would do everything. How many times she even tried to deny that fact, there was no denying it and it seemed as it finally hit her that this was what she always wanted. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she looked around, opening his closet to take a clean shirt out of it quickly changing in it before she left the bedroom, her eyes going to the couch where he was still asleep, softly snoring as a smile formed on her lips at that. "Ali?"His voice made her stop from going to the kitchen as she turned around just as he turned, sitting up before his brown eyes landed on her, a smile forming straight away on his lips. "You stayed."He muttered, standing up. "You thought I would have left you, Jonesy?"She asked with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest as he only now realized she was wearing his shirt. 

She was wearing his shirt...

A grin spread on his face as that sentence seemed to repeat in his head, closing the distance between them. "I don't know what I expected."He answered, his eyes scanning her for a moment. How much he loved her, it was crazy... "But I wanted you to stay."He added before she could say something back to him, her blue eyes looking up at him. "I want you stay today, tomorrow and all the days to come, Ali babe."He whispered, pulling her closer towards him, his arms around her waist, holding her close. "I believe in us, Jones."She whispered back, a smile on her pink lips. "And I will always believe in us, do you know what that mean?"She added, standing on her toes, to reach his height. "I love you so damn much."She said softly, pressing her lips to his, arms around his neck as he carefully lifted her up. "And I will always love you, Jonesy."

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