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"Where have you been, Alice?"Hal asked, looking up from his newspaper when she walked through the frontdoor. "I went for a drink."She answered plainly, wishing to just go upstairs and ignore the fact that she had been gone the whole night but knowing him, he wouldn't let it slip that easily. "Been to the Southside, you mean?"He asked back, folding the newspaper. "Stalking me?"She asked back, refusing to answer that question. Was she not allowed to do whatever she wanted to do? No? Well, she was doing whatever she wanted to do. "We're married."He answered as an explanation as she just snorted at that. "Doesn't mean you have to know everything I'm doing."She threw back, putting down her handbag. "Just tell me where you've been, Alice!"He said, raising his voice clearly done with this whole ignoring whatever that happened. "I went to the Southside. Happy? I went for a drink at the Southside."She yelled, holding up her hands. "Don't shoot me for it."She muttered as she went upstairs, showing that there was nothing else to talk about while there was actually so much to talk about really.

Maybe the fact that she ignored his calls the whole night and only responded to a text from her youngest daughter. Didn't that show that there was something wrong in their relationship. Shouldn't they talk about it? Because she had no regrets of what she did. No regrets of ignoring his calls, no regrets of staying away from home. No, she felt good while doing it and now. Now she felt like a bird stuck in a cage. 

"We're supposed to talk about this, Alice?"Hal said as he entered their bedroom, watching her remove her make up. "I'm done talking about it."She said straight away, throwing the napkin in the bin not even looking at him. "You ignored my calls."He started, holding up one finger. "Didn't mind letting me know you were staying away. You could have simply texted me or something but you refused to that. Why?"He asked, sitting down on the bed. "We suck at this relationship."She stated, turning around on her chair to finally look him in the eyes. "I know you don't work late at the Register."She added, a sad smile on her face. "There are reasons why we can't seem to talk to each other but we decided to ignore these things till now. Why now?"She asked as she stood up from her seat. "All because I went to the Southside."She added with a raised eyebrow. "You never told me that you knew."He muttered, shaking his head. Is this how it supposed to go? This conversation... 

"Because I did not know how to tell you I knew you were seeing Penelope behind my back. Do you know how to say something like that?"She asked. "Because I did not."She added with a huff. "Tell me, did you go to FP?"He asked, needing to know this one thing as it was the only thing he could think about when he knew she went to the Southside. "I went for a drink and he was there also."She answered in all honesty. "We just talked."She added, not that she had to explain herself to him. Maybe she had to and maybe she didn't have to but either way they both knew how this all was going to end. She was done pretending this relationship was perfect and he had no reasons to lie about this all as she knew all his secrets now. "What will he tell them?"He asked, standing up. "That we grew apart."She answered, watching him walk towards the door. "I didn't mean to hurt you."He said softly, not knowing what else to say. Was there something he could say? "You just don't love me as much as you used to. It's fine."She said back not looking at him anymore. Was this just fine? Or did the pain she felt, tell something different? 

It was fine. They were never meant to stick together...

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