American Hair

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D6- Tom in a Hat

A/N: We hit 7k today! Thank you all so so much for your support. I love you all 3000. Enjoy today's chapter!

(Tom's POV)

When I first saw Y/N, I knew she was American. Not by her accent or the way she carried herself, but by her hair. She had American hair. I know that's kind of an odd thing to say, but American hair just has a different sort of sheen to it. I was reminded of the first time I saw her as I watched her behind the scenes of the interview, looking at me intently. God, I loved that girl.

It was my first interview since we'd gone public, and I knew most of the questions would be about her. Quite honestly, I was over the moon that I got to tell the world all about Y/N Y/L/N. 

"So, tell us about your new girlfriend, Y/N, Tom!" the interviewer urged me. I felt awful that I'd already forgotten her name. "You've never really been one to go public with your relationships. This one must be really special."

"Oh, she is," I told the woman, grinning from ear to ear. Y/N waved at me from behind the camera man. I blew her a kiss. "Hello, love!" I chuckled. She blew me a kiss back. "What would you like to know?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Oh, everything, naturally," the interviewer told me, "But let's start with how you met."

"Oh," I laughed, "That's a great story. She was a tourist in London and I ran into her in Nando's one night. I thought she was very pretty, so I went over to talk to her. I asked her if she was hoping to meet anyone famous there, but she answered 'no, I'm just here for the culture'," I said in my best Y/N impression. "Anyway, we got to talking, fell madly in love, and the rest is history."

"That's really sweet," the woman told me. "And how long have you been together now?"

"About a year and a half," I told her, smiling as I thought back on all our memories.

"Ooh! Do I hear church bells?" the interviewer laughed. I looked over at Y/N. She was blushing. The smile immediately faded from my face, but I pasted it back on to cover up.

"Who knows?" I answered, laughing nervously. When I looked back over at Y/N, she looked devastated and wouldn't meet my eyes.

Time skip brought to you by Chaffles...does anyone know what the bloody Hell they are?

I came home from my errand to find Y/N on our couch, hastily wiping tears from her eyes. "What's wrong love?" I ambled, sitting next to her. I tried to put my arm around her shoulders but she brushed me off. "Did I make you mad somehow?"

"No..." she told me, "Just disappointed." She sniffed loudly and tried to stand up.

"What have I done?" I asked genuinely. I hated making her angry, but the disappointment card was a million times worse.

"You really don't know?" she asked me, tears spilling over her lower lids.

"I haven't a clue, darling," I told her honestly. 

"The interview," she said dejectedly. Oh. "If you really want, we can split up." 

"What?! No, no, no! Why would you think I'd ever in a million years want that?" I began to get frantic. I really had effed up, hadn't I?

"Because you clearly don't see a future with me. When the interviewer joked about us getting married you got all nervous and clammed up." She started crying again. My face fell.

"Oh, Y/N, love, I didn't mean to...that's not what I..." I sighed, fingering the small package in my back pocket. "I wanted to do this under completely different circumstances, but..." I pulled out the velvet box and cracked it open, revealing a shining gold ring with three diamonds at the center, the one in the middle being the largest. Y/N gasped and covered her mouth, but looked at me confusedly.

"I don't understand..." she whispered. Meanwhile, I got down on one knee before her.

"Y/N, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. And ever since, you have been the light of my life. I am so, so incredibly sorry if I have ever made you feel otherwise. You see, I've been planning this for a while now and the reason I choked up earlier was because I thought I'd been found out somehow. I wanted to surprise you, but instead I hurt you, and for that I am more sorry than I can say. But Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my bride?" My hands were shaking as I spoke, but I tried to keep my cool, although the tears pooling in my eyes gave me away.

"Oh, Tom!" Y/N breathed. She sniffled heavily. "I can't believe...I just...oh, YES!!!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around my neck. I sat back on the couch and slid the engagement ring onto her finger.

"I love you more than words could ever describe," I told her through my running eyes.

"Ditto," she laughed.

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