Who Is That? (photo imagine)

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12/29/21... 2 years later

I interrupt what would've been a peaceful conclusion to this series to bring you ANOTHER angry announcement.

STOP GIVING ME YOUR NEGATIVE OPINIONS ON MY WRITING. I don't care who you are or why you're saying so, I understand Y/N may not match some of your actions and I get that some of the things I write about may bother you.

Which is why the course of action I implore you to take if you find something you dislike is to SKIP THE CHAPTER AND MOVE ON. You don't have to say anything if you dislike it. Nobody's making you. So why do it?

Since everyone CLEARLY disliked this chapter and "Olivia p2" more than they enjoyed them, guess what?! You got your wish. They're gone. History.

Normally, of course, I don't give into the pressures of people who don't know an inch of me, but I'm tired of listening to all of the bitching.

Now I realize I'm coming off nasty and rude here, which is never my intention at all. I never speak to anyone this way and I'm not one for confrontation, but I've had it up to here. So I apologize if I've offended you.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now