Olivia...Part 1

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⚠ WARNING: Minor language

You couldn't believe your eyes. It wasn't. But it was. And you couldn't ignore that. You were struck dumb. It was 2:30 in the morning and you couldn't sleep. You had been scrolling through your phone waiting for Tom to get home from work, but you weren't so sure you wanted him to after you saw the first story on your Google Feed.

"Tom Holland Has a Girlfriend?" was the story's title. You and Tom had been a secret exclusive for over two years to keep the press off your backs, but the girl on the front cover wasn't you. It was tipsy-looking blonde with her hand on your boyfriend's butt. And Tom didn't seem too mad about it.

You clicked on the link and were shocked to find more photos of the two together at a festival in London. Tom and the girl holding hands. Tom and the girl getting drinks. Tom and the girl...kissing? WHAT? That was it. You sat still in your silent rage staring blankly at the wall in your living room. 

After what felt like forever, you heard the jangling of keys in the lock. Tom opened the door quietly and crept inside.

"You don't have to do that. I'm awake," you snapped bitterly, not taking your cold eyes off the wall. Tom looked at you concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently. You couldn't take it anymore. Tom was cheating on you with that blonde woman. And what was worse? You knew her! Olivia Bolton...Tom had introduced you two when you visited his family in Kingston. She was their neighbor.

"What the Hell is this, Holland?" You shouted, shoving your phone in Tom's face. He looked taken aback until he realized what was on your screen. Then a look of sheer terror crossed his face. He started pacing the floor and you began to quake with anger. "I SAID WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!"

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I forgot about that...I meant to tell..." Tom started to ramble.

"No. When was this?"

"A few weeks ago. I didn't know the Paparazzi got pictures, though! I meant to tell you..." he started to say it again. He meant to tell you.

"Yeah? Well, you didn't. You've kept this a secret from me for three weeks! How could you?"

"Y/N, I swear, I..."

"What do you have to say for yourself, huh? You cheated on your girlfriend with your childhood neighbor. In public! You kissed her, Tom! And what right does she have to touch you like that? What right do you have to let her?"

"Y/N, please!" Tom pleaded. "I'm so so sorry!"

 "Am I not good enough for you? Am I just a conquest? I didn't think you were like other guys, but I guess I was wrong." You had gotten so angry that tears started to spill out of your eyes. You hated that. You thought it made you look weak.

"No, baby! Of course not! You're..." Tom tried to move over to you, but you stood up abruptly and moved across the room from him.

"Don't you 'baby' me, Thomas! We swore never to lie to one another. We swore to be true to each other. And what did you do? You broke all your promises. I can't even look at you."

"Please! We were both drunk. Don't blame it on Olivia."

"So now you're protecting her?" You spat. You could see Tom loosing his patience. Did you care? Not one bit. Let him get angry. Just let him.

"Like Hell, I am! But it wasn't her fault! We were drunk!"

"That's no excuse! I'm your girlfriend! We live together!"

"Like I said, I don't even remember most of that night! That's how stoned I was! I just woke up in her room the next morning not knowing what I..." Tom stopped himself. He realized he'd just made it a thousand times worse. 

"YOU WHAT?!?" You barked at the top of your lungs. Your eyes were running freely now and you didn't care to stop them. Not only were you angry, you were broken-hearted.

"Y/N, please!" Tom chased you out of the living room/kitchen and into the bedroom you shared. You pulled out your suitcase and stuffed it with all of your clothes, shoes, everything you owned. You didn't fold anything. You just threw it all in with blurry vision.

You turned around to face your boyfriend. He looked horrified and desperate. You knew he loved you, but you couldn't live with him now. "You slept with her! How am I supposed to forgive you for that?" You hiccuped on your emotion and continued to pack.

"We were drunk! I swear it! You have to..."

"I swear to God, Thomas Stanley Holland, if I hear that excuse one more time, I'm going to throw myself off our balcony," you screamed. You zipped up your suitcase and rolled it out of the bedroom, Tom chasing after you yet again.

"Please! I swear! I couldn't live without you, Y/N! You're my everything!" Tom wailed desperately. His voice cracked and you could see tears brimming in his eyes.

"Save it. I can't live with someone I don't trust," you sobbed, shutting the front door behind you. You wept dryly as you left the apartment building and made your way to your best friend's house. You didn't know what would happen next.

A/N: So I'd just like to say that I have nothing against Olivia Bolton or her relationship with Tom. If she makes him happy, that's all I want. I'm only using the situation above for the purposes of my writing, so please don't yell at me for it because I fully support her and Tom. Also, Part 2 will be coming out sometime in the future. Stay tuned!

xoxo LuckyHolland

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