Before We Begin...

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I'd just like to say that if you only like Tom for his looks, you're not a true Hollander. We are a family of fans who love him for not only his godly appearances, but also his dorkiness, his talent, his personality, and his kindness. 

I've had the pleasure of meeting Tom twice and I can honestly tell you that he is the sweetest person you will have ever met. He isn't one of those celebrities that puts up a fake personality for interviews and things but turns out to be a jerk. He is literally the most amazing man I have ever met and he was so kind and sweet to me when I met him.

Anyway, I won't delay you any longer, but I just wanted to say, if you're a real Hollander, I love you and appreciate that you love Tom for who he is and not what he looks like. There's not a lot of people like us out there.


      LuckyHolland   💖

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