Mrs Chen tells the class

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Mrs Chen saw her class settled in after lunch and she saw Jones walk in late with Bella and Lily

She didn't mind of course and was glad Jones had made some friends while at school knowing the previous years saw her with no friends at all

They sat down after the register was taking did Mrs Chen clap her hands together to get the classes attention

They all looked at her as she said "Tomorrow, I'm going to London you will be having a sub"

I frowned, after Mrs Chen the only other teacher that was nice to me and everyone else expect from Julie's once she found out was the deputy Mrs Sandy

"Why?" I ask

"I can't say as it's private information but trust me the sun you have will respect you a lot and will deal with the problems that might arise in the week" Mrs Chen said

I guess I have to suffer and hope he or she wasn't like Mr Harris

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