Jones gets checked out at the Hospital

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The doctors arrived and first Michelle did an ultrasound on me to check if I had any injuries in my stomach or abomded area, luckily I hadn't and it was just somewhat tender

Then they wiped the gel of and Dr Anderson checked my head and my lungs and heart for me

They seemed to be all okay even if my heart was racing quickly and my breathing rapid and rasped

My head was okay and I luckily had no concussion according to Harry and he took me to get my arm x-rayed

It was indeed broken, in not one but two places but luckily a surgery wasn't needed and a cast was put on from the shoulder to the finger knuckles

I chose blue to be wrapped around my cast and Harry wrapped it up in blue for me and I smiled and asked if I could have all of the doctors to sign it

Harry nodded and with both Mum and Ellie's permission he took me around to Dr Anderson first who signed it then Michelle Lee who signed it, The twins doctor Dr Alexander also signed it and Harry signed it to

I then was handed back to my mum and aunt when Sam came running in and everyone let me run to him and he picked me up gently and held me tight as he dared to

"She's okay Sam, no concussion, tender stomach and ambonded area, light and some moderate bruising on her arms and legs" Harry said "And a broken arm"

"See she chose blue also" Sam said

"She will choose blue Sam" Penny laughed "She takes after you, Blue is her fave colour"

They all started to laugh and once on the way home did Ellie say "There's a meeting that you three have to attened tomorrow, with a bunch of other people"

"Does Jones have to attened?" Sam asked as they got into Toms 4X4 which hadn't even left the scene

"Sadly she has to, after all she is the victim" Ellie said

"Station?" Tom asked as he got in the drivers seat

"Yes please" Penny said

And off we went back to the station and the whole journey back me and Tom talked about Wallaby 2 and the test drive run he allowed me to join him on after we were both trapped on the mountains due to an Avalanche

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