A week later

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They all woke up after a week and they headed to Chicago from Los Angeles. Even though I was still quite quiet. My parents had been keeping me safe and Ellie made still I didn't need a hospital again just before we flew as it was uncharacteristically quiet.

I didn't need it luckily and then we saw what our flight was from and to and what airline we had. We were flying from Los Angeles to Chicago with United Airlines.

Dad had phoned up beforehand to explain the situation that had happened a few days ago now to the airlines and to keep them watching incase anything like it happened while they were flying with them. They said they would.

Once the call ended Sam then told Ellie to keep an eye out as well as he trusted Ellie a tad more, to keep an eye out incase anything happened after what Mr Spellman had done to me. Ellie said she would.

They packed and made sure they had everything and then made sure they had everything in the van before they set off. The LAPD and station 118. The LAPD went in front then us then station 118.

Then behind the whole of us was the California Motorway patrol to make sure we got to the airport in one piece. They were also known as California Highway Patrol.

We were escorted to the rental van place and once the bags were out and we made sure we had everything including Arlo my teddy Ellie handed the keys over.

We were then escorted to Terminal 7 by both LAPD and LAFD. This is the terminal our flight was flying from and dad had made sure everyone had there boarding passes and he saw Penny had our families.

We made it through check in and TSA bar Ellie who was stop with her bag at TSA. They asked if they could search her bag. She showed them her badge. Then Rose and Steele had been called. Rose made herself known to the TSA staff by showing her police badge.

The bag was then searched and nothing was found and then they were allowed to move on with there journey. The flight was still on time.

Once at the gate I calmed a tad. I was on video chat with Firehouse 51. And I was smiling at Casey.

Everyone there was happy to see me and I was happy to see them. Casey asked dad where we were and dad told them Los Angeles flying out to Chicago.

Casey and the rest of Firehouse 51 was happy to hear that the travel party was coming to there station. Casey told us that Truck 81 was awaiting for our arrival on the other side. Dad told them that Firehouse 20 would be first for a few hours before they went to Firehouse 51 for the next day.

Casey said they'd picked them up from Firehouse 20 if they could if no calls came through. And then once in the plan we were in the same seating arrangements that we had been for the rest of the flights and I was sat at the window, then dad and then mum.

But then my gut felt off and I alerted dad to it with a few repeated tugs of his sleeve. Then Sam and Penny froze when Mr Harries showed up at there seats, I froze.

We didn't understand why he was looming over our seats so we asked him nicely to leave. He refused to and then started a scene. Not what Sam wanted to happen while flying to Chicago.

Mr Harries had been fired after saying females couldn't do a males job like a firefighter.

He eyed us all before he started shouting at all of us three. I gulped and tried to hide behind dad. I didn't like arguments that much.

He started to argue with Sam about his job and Sam could take it so ingored the mad but then stared listening so did Penny when he then ranted off about how I should've stayed away from all stations and that I couldn't be a firefighter. He then launch at me. He succeeded and clasped my leg and I started to cry.

This was now causing a scene. Dad tried to get Mr Harries hand off my leg as he saw I've as causing me harm. The flight crew soon arrived.

They stepped in and ended it. They moved him out of the sights from the Jones family. Sam kissed my head and saw I was now once again shaken up due to him. They asked for Chicago police to meet them there at the landing strip, that they would be at in less then half an hour and an EMS was called alongside an Ambulance.

Sam saw Rose was punch in the elbow as she tried to help the Jones family be rid of Mr Harries. Mr Harries would now be charged with assault of a public officer.

The flight crew and Ellie was checking over Rose after they landed while Steele stayed the Lucy and Penny checked over me with Sam.

We then landed in Chicago, Chicago PD and the 21st district as well as the airport police and the TSA surrounded the plane which frightened Jones a tad.

They came aboard and escorted Mr Harris off the plane and into there custody. Ambulance 61 and Truck 81 were on the tarmac also.

Ellie told the crew that Rose needed to be seen at a hospital so her and Steele with Lucy went with Rose in Ambulance 61 to the nearest hospital. Everyone was worried and concerned about Rose and the others calmed down in presence of the emergency services.

All the passengers felt sorry for her bar Mr Harris who had sent a glare to Jones throughout his departure.

Rose was with Dawson and Brett and the rest of us got our bags from the luggage haul after clearing the secruity and clambered into truck 81.

Rose was taken out by Ellie, Steele, Lucy and the captain of the flight who apologised on every passengers behalf.

We went to firehouse 20 once bags were collected even if I didn't want to talk they all could tell I was scared. Freighted. We took Rose's bags with us

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