Feb 27th

53 0 3

Jessica walked into the room to see Ellie and Sarah holding each other close while Ellie was mostly hidden by the duvet as she felt quite ashamed and rather embrassed

And Sarah kept having nightmares and Jessica also saw Ellie's eues were bloodshot which only meant one thing she had had a nightmare to

Truck 81 came to visit them and saw Sarah was better mentally if not physically due to her meds and Ellie wasn't talking

Sarah still needed to rest and they had secruity outside of the room and Ellie could see that they was safe but still didn't talk to anybody

Casey told us who was in Paris of the situation

Ellie was relived that they were safe but was still a tad unsure and Casey told her how they had found them

Ellie was still embrassed and wouldn't remove the duvet from just under her eyes and the police told Ellie how the top was now evidence and Ellie sighed

Jessica told her it been found on the streets and in the hangout

The fire station lawyer came in and told Ellie and Sarah when the court date was and that they would need to attened

Sarah nodded and seemed to engage more in the conversation unlike Ellie who just wanted this whole thing to end immediately

They said that the local police as well as court secruity would also be there and Ellie bit her lip but watched Sarah

They said it would be broadcasted and hers but not Sarah's would be shown to the world and Ellie didn't want hers there either but didn't argue

Also with the extra secruity people they would be inside and out

Meanwhile Jessica stayed with Ellie and Sarah and Jessica started to get worried about Ellie who hadn't yet muttered a word to anyone since they arrived or exited the room

Sarah started to get nightmares like Jones did of J kidnapping her and Jessica asked if she could help and Ellie told her she could with a nod, by an agreeing nod

Jessica managed to calm Sarah down in a way her mum did for her when she was Sarah's age and wondered if this way would work on Ellie

Sarah fell asleep in Jessica's hold and she re tucked in Sarah and Ellie shyed away from her if she came to close to Ellie directly

Ellie was obviously scared of something, something that needed sorting out immediately

All three doctors, Dr Anderson, Dr King and Dr Alexandra soon walked in a while later and Sarah once more woke up with a nightmare and was given one of her trauma tablets and it worked in the hour

Jessica told the doctors on Ellie's behalf that Sarah had been having nightmares

Ellie still refused to talk

In Paris everyone was relived to hear that J had been captured and was arrested but Sam still didn't feel safe to go back to Pontypandy yet, not with a kid who had no idea what Sarah and Ellie had endured

Sam had received a call of Casey and Casey told him that both Ellie and Sarah were safe in the hospital and J had been arrested

Sam had placed the call on speaker while I was in the shower so Penny could hear it to

Penny texted Jessica about both Ellie and Sarah while I came out of the bathroom, dried and dressed and Jessica texted back saying that she was with them now

Bronwyn hadn't watched the news but had heard of it and told both Sam and Penny that Charlie had been devastated once he heard his daughter was in grave danger

Penny replied later on saying Awh Sam says he text Charlie soon and then wondered why they hadn't got a text of Malcolm as of yet

He then texted her saying when the court case was and then said he didn't know if it was safe or not to return back to Pontypandy yet and to stay in Paris to he said otherwise

Meanwhile Amelia and Liam had been asleep and she woke up feeling sick and then Liam told her that she needed to take a pregnancy test

She reminded him that she didn't know where to get one but apparently he did so he went and got one for her before returning back to there hotel room and he gave it back to her

It came back postive and both were very happy indeed

Back with Jones and co, they were all out in town when Sam brought Jones a little something

We had dinner with Rose and Lucy before they both headed up to there rooms and we followed soon behind them

In our hotel room I had placed dads gift on my head and he told me it was a beret and I smiled and took a pic and saved it and dad did the same after he took a pic of me with the Eiffel Tower behind them before he sent it Penny, Steele and Charlie

Steele smiled when he received the pic before texting back Sam saying how is Paris?

Sam: Jones is enjoying it, we're trying to keep her mind of Pontypandy but I think she's starting to realise somethings up

Steele: not good

Sam: Also before I knew about Flex and before he arrived and knew about Jones my daughter, I knew you once wore one when you directed the theatre production of your life which I performed in

Steele: Ah I remember

Steele was suprised and Sam sent the pic he had taken of me eariler in the day which was me with the effiel tower in the background and me wearing a beret

Steele texted back saying Tell Jones I love her and that I miss her also tell her I said Bonjour

Sam knew what it meant and he showed me the text that Steele had sent to him

He told me that grandad love the beret and said that he said Bonjour to me

Then we called Amelia and her husband Liam as well as Rose and Lucy to the park and once they joined us dad picked me up so everyone could be seen and the pic was taken

This would be a pic to be shown to my friends once I got back in Pontypandy, friends who I was starting to miss a ton more then I had done before

And elsewhere at the hospital James was with Hannah and there two children Billy James and Lola Hannah and due to James not leaving Hannah (his girlfriends side) Lizzie was called so James himself could take care of himself like go loo and find something to eat and take a nap

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