3rd of Jan

49 1 0

An update had been made by the Prime monster of UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) about this new mystery illness and that everyone who experiences it gets to a hospital straight away as it could become a massive pandemic if not treated straight away cause the cases were still rising quickly and the quicker they acted to contain it, the quicker they'd have no cases of it

So borders closed and schools shut to be safe

Meanwhile as the news was on in the Hospital staff room and nearly anyones house that didn't contain kids (especially young kids that are still primary age) as there parents didn't want to worry them with the news

I had woken up to my mum and dad smiling and me and they told me I had great news, I asked is it going home

They shook there head and before they could say anything Harry said "Jones you don't have the mystery illness, you and your parents have what I think it's just aches and in Penny's case the flu again"

Harry had his arms out and I launched at him and he held me tight, I had missed this and as he was mine and my parents doctors he was allowed to do this and he smiled and rubbed my back

He knew I loved hugs as they calmed me and after scaring me with the protective gear earlier on in the week, he felt like he owed he one

I told Harry that I wanted to see the fireworks but had missed the celebration and I had been looking forward to it

Harry said something would be sorted out for me so I didn't miss it this year, he would sort something out for me he knew it

No one was going to stop him, he made a mental note to text or call Malcolm about sorting out something for James. jones, Hannah and Sarah once they left the hospital in two weeks time

Malcolm agreed and waited

Time was of the essence

No one interfered, not even my parents and they all decided to let them have there moment

Dr Anderson and Dr Alexander told both told Ellie and Sarah there tests were negative so we're no longer in protective gear and they told them both they needed a blood test and Ellie did hers first and then Sarah had hers done but she looked at Ellie as it happened and Ellie stuck her tounge out to distract Sarah

They were told they needed to stay the night for observation which both had gotten use to now

Sarah snuggled into Ellie once both doctors left and a whole hour later once the samples of blood from the blood tests had been sent Dr Alexander went to see Sarah as she felt bad for her

Dr Alexander offered Sarah a trauma med and she took it and would feel better in an hour, they spent the time talking to each other and sometime later after an hour had kicked in and it had started to work

The NHS HQ up in London told there staff they didn't need to wear gear if in own office or with there patient's that had tested negative unless stated otherwise

Harry and a few other doctors normally and a family as they patens but some had many more

James and Hannah were still asleep and snuggled throughout this but both had been left a text from the Hannah's doctor as well as left on Hannah's records that they were both negative

They'd be happy about that and everyone else would be if they could leave the hospital rooms to see other people but they couldn't due to the 2 week isolation

The labs wouldn't need anything else after two weeks isolation and hopefully this Illness would be finished soon

Unlike Sarah me and my parents weren't required for a blood test just yet neither was Hannah and James

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