Afterwards and Boxing Day

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I was still running to Dilys's and Sam had left the house to follow me, knowing with the ice slowing me down, he'd get there the same time as me if not just after, he had to give it to me I was a sprinter

We both reached the cut price store at the same time and Sam asked for my hand and I gave him my left one and we walked in

Dilys was suprised to see me and dad but Sam had to hold me back as the hand that was holding my left hand was know holding my jacket and he decided to explain before I went to "talk" to Norman

"Dilys, your son decided to put lots of snow on Sarah causing her to be cold" Sam explained

"And he used a leaf blower" I said as I blinked

Norman walked downstairs to his mum shout and dad picked me up and I placed a ear on my dads shoulder and I covered the remaining ear just incase an argument would occur, as I hated them, I guess I would always do so

"Yes mum?" Norman said and he rob was shocked to see me and my dad

"According to Sam you covered Sarah in snow with a leaf blower" Dilys said

I cringed at the look Norman had on his face

Norman admitted that he had and Dilys grounded him for a while but we all knew he would be out a week later

Me and dad headed work and once we were at home mum checked my wrist over and found out it was just red and yawned

Penny chuckled and said "Your cousin gone home with Ellie and is already asleep, you going to go sleep?"

"Only if you tuck me in" I say as I look at my parents before heading upstairs to get into my pjs and I went loo

And they both smiled and headed upstairs and found me laying in bed ready and they tucked me in and Mum gave me Arlo

Then they headed to bed themselves and the others fell asleep when they felt tired to do so

Then soon it was Boxing Day and everyone but me was awake and I had accidentally rolled on my bad arm during the night

As I tried to sit up I fell off the bed straight off the bed and onto my bad arm

I screamed in pain and this caused my parents to run upstairs and when they opened my door they saw me crying in pain on the floor

Dad picked me up and I wouldn't let anyone touch my arm and my mum said "Think it's best she goes up Sam"

Sam held me tighter and I asked for Arlo with my good hand and mum gave it me and kissed my forehead and kissed my dad and said "Be safe you two"

They headed off to Newtown so I could get my arm checked out

And downstairs the CFD and Malcolm and Rose as well as Newtown Police asked if me and dad were okay and what the scream was

"Jones and Sam are alright, the scream was Jones as she landed on her bad arm that she injured yesterday" Penny explained

They nodded and a battle of the badges started


James and Hannah as well as Ellie and Sarah had arrived and were watching it alongside Penny

Jessica and Mark also came by to watch also and they cheered on Malcolm

Casey did it for CFD and Malcolm did it for both PPD and NPD

They were going on and on and they were always quite close in scores as the rounds went on

Casey won the first round and Malcom the secound so the third round came and this was the round they would find out who would win

Casey won the third round and firehouse 51 won

Mouch was the referee for the matches

Everyone cheered afterwards and Malcolm and Casey shook hands and all was good between each other and all parties

Penny was worrying about me and dad and Ellie assured her they'd be fine

At Newton hospital we waited in the waiting room and then Harry called us into a room where Sam explained what had happened

Harry took us to x-ray so my arm could be x-rayed and I let them and I grimaced when they moved my arm

Then Harry took us back to the room while he looked at the x-ray and Sam kept me entertained with his phone and I watched a video of me and him from a while back to Harry walked back in

He soon did with news and he said "Her arm isn't broken it's just badly bruised but I'll put a splint on it to be safe"

A blue splint was put onto my right arm and dad carried me home as I didn't want to walk home

"Love you dad" I said

"Love you to Jones" Sam said

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