Jan 17

26 1 0

She had been asleep when the court staff and police arrived to see her, Ellie didn't want to go and she wanted to wait, wait the time they said to to allow her to calm before the storm

However she went without any arguments

Bronwyn stayed with a sleeping Sarah and off Ellie went, Bronwyn wasn't on her own for long though as Sam, Penny and Jones then walked in and Jones snuggled into Sarah and fell asleep

"Jones was missing them" Sam said

"Hm where's Ellie?" Penny asked

"At court, they've moved it to today" Bronwyn told them

"She's not ready," Sam started "Let's hope he's found guilty though"

"We can all agree on that" both Penny and Bronwyn said

Me and Sarah stayed asleep for a while

At the courts they saw Tommy Welch handcuffed but he wasn't able to break free of his restraints but he was still very much so scaring Ellie

Then several police officers surrounded Ellie but she still felt unsure and wanted this to end already

Then the lawyers did there opening arguments before Ellie had to take a stand and the police said how she was under protection

The judge nodded as she took a stand

She was asked what had happened and Ellie said "I was taken and then I woke up undressed alone and cold before being knocked out and waking up on the road cold once more"

"You sure you was taken and not at your own home?" She was asked

"I was taken, I was house sitting for the Jones's" Ellie explained "As they were in the hospital themselves"

"You sure your not the suspect?" Tommy's lawyer said

"No, I'm the victim" Ellie said

"Then who found you alone on the road?" He asked her

"Dr Emily Foster" Ellie said

Then the next question made Ellie feel faint and that question was "Have you done any crimes or been known to any other crimes?"

"No, I haven't done any of that or been known for any of it" Ellie said

The judge then banged and told the lawyer for Tommy Welch off

She then told to sit down and she did so and the evidence proved that Ellie was indeed not the suspect and that she was the victim

More evidence came and proved Ellie hadn't done any other crimes or been known to any other crimes"

They saw the injuries that Welch had inflicted up on Ellie

Then Dr Foster was taken to a stand and she stood and glared at Tommy Welch before answering any questions thrown at her

"Please tell us your story of what happened" she was asked

"I was driving home from work when I saw someone sat on the side of the road" She started "As a doctor I decided to go and have a look and that is when I then saw Ellie shivering all cold and all alone"

"Then I gave her some scrubs to change into to held her over for the journey to the hospital and that ambulance took her up" She then said

Then she was told to sit down which she did

The Judge then found Tommy Welch guilty of all the crimes

And then the FSL (Fire Station Lawyer) asked for a restraining order against him for the whole of the Pontypandy Fire station and the judge allowed it

So now Tommy Welch, Julia Annie and Peter Brown couldn't be anywhere near the occupations of Pontypandy station and this included Jones

Then they were allowed to go out of the courthouse and Ellie headed back to the hospital and got changed and got into bed and decided just to lay there for a while

Me and Sarah was playing uno in one corner of the room and the adults walked back in and saw movement in the room and knew it was Ellie

The adults then found out he had been found guilty and wouldn't hurt them anymore

Ellie appeared and said "Hello you three when did you two get here?"

"Ages ago" Penny chuckled

"Where's the kids?" Ellie asked

"Wait how did you know Jones was with us?" Sam said

"Sam, it's you" Ellie said

"Aha" Sam said "True, also she did miss you and Sarah"

Penny sent Ellie a pic of me and my cousin asleep earlier on

"Awh there so cute" Ellie said

"We know we are" I chuckle

"Yes we already know" Sarah smiled

Ellie told them both to come here so they did

"She beat me at uno" Sarah said

"Not my fault" I said "I'm a natural at it, Also Elvis keeps asking for rematches"

"Is that why I can never find you or Elvis?" Sam asked

"Yes!" I said "I keep beating him though, want to prank him once more"

"Just no bugs on wood again eh Jones" Sam told me

"Awh" I pout "Time to plan"

Then Casey and Boden walked in

Truck 81 followed them both

They were also relived to hear that he was indeed guilty and Sam picked me up after I hugged Ellie and Sarah and Bronwyn as he had received a text saying School meeting today

So we headed home while Truck 81 and Boden stayed there

Once back at the Jones residence Sam saw the meeting would include the department or education, Mr Shaw, Mrs Sandy, Newtown Police, Newtown Fire station, Pontypandy Police, Pontypandy Fire station, Chicago Fire department, NHS officials, Harry, Members from Chicago Med and officials from both governments

It was going to be held at Pontypandy police station so my parents left me with my uncle as they attend it

As they discussed about the reopening of the schools and how all of there staff had came back with clean DBS

Then they said that they should make all schools in the UK do a DBS check go be on the safe side

Then Sam told them all how Hannah could end up having a few months off due to being pregnant and giving birth and how James would also have thouse months off

Then Sam told them about how Lucy would be in Jones's class and how Jones and Lucy would look after each other

Sam that informed Mrs Sandy that he had put Ellie as another contact for me, incase himself, Steele and Penny were busy, unavailable or didn't answer the phone in time

Mrs Sandy nodded and noted it down

Then afterwards Sam got a text from Jones saying Miss you, Uncle Charlie made me chips though

Sam smiled at the text and deep down he to was missing Jones

Then they discussed on a date they would reopen schools after three months closure and they finally decided on reopening the schools in March 3rd which was just two months away

The meeting then ended as both Mrs Sandy and Mr Shaw informed parents of students who attended both schools of the day the schools would reopen

After the meeting Sam texted Mrs Chen what he had told Mrs Sandy and Mrs Chen said it was alright and that she would to note it down

Then Sam and Penny went to the Wholefish Cafe to collect me

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