Jan 27

34 0 0

Now Mrs Estevez, Malcolm and Rose came over to check up on me and my family

I was still in my fave pjs when they walked in and I was eating scrambled eggs with sausages but I choose not to eat it all today, as a feeling of dread was in my gut and that wasn't a pleasant feeling at all

My mum picked me up and saw Ellie and Sarah walk in and Ellie offered to look after the kids once she picked up Steele

She soon came back with Steele and when she did she saw Mrs Sandy, Mrs Estevez, Sam, Penny, the kids, Nick and his parents alongside his aunt, Chicago fire department as well, Pontypandy fire station as both polices forces in Newtown and Pontypandy were there also

And that feeling of dread? Well that just got hundred times more worse. I was now feeling sick and having emotophobia wasn't a nice thing to have especially when you felt like you were gonna be sick due to feeling of dread

Sam was concerned about what Nick and his family might say but the words that came out Nicks dads mouth wasn't what anyone was expecting not even Nick himself

Apparently Nicks aunt had told his parents a very different side of the story and now his parents who seemed to be very rich folk from London, England weren't to please that apparently there son was being bullied and he was being accused of it all

Mrs Estevez as well as police and hospital had proof that said otherwise but Nicks parents and aunt refused to believe any of it, as it didn't side in there Nick's favour

They handed Sam and Mrs Sandy a law suit and everyone was outraged but knew he could do so, even if it put everyone very angry who was on the receiving end

They were filing for a million and everyone knew he couldn't and Malcolm said he could file a lawsuit but had never seen one over something so petty like his son bullying another child at school but Nicks family was so convinced Nick was being bullied and not Jones even if Jones had the cast to tell the tale

Rose took the papers of Sam and read the whole thing before realising they wanted to arrest Penny, my mum over nothing, Penny paled she had been framed once and didn't wish to be framed again

Malcolm assured her she wouldn't be and this was now taking the toll on the family and they all could see Sam's eyes narrow and fists curl, he urged Ellie to take me and Sarah out of the room which she did

While Sam conposed himself Rose told them it would be taken to court this secound and Nick and his family looked at Sam and his family smugly before doing the same to the school

I had barfed up and Nick and his family said ew as they walked past and Ellie mumbled "she couldn't help it"

Mum quickly cleaned up and cleaned her hands and we got changed for court and I didn't want to go so I started to make a fuss, after all now I was feeling generally unwell and just wanted to curl up in bed but wasn't allowed

Ellie stayed back with Sarah and watched the house for the Jones's there hearts tugging at my sad expression

"She doesn't want her mum to be arrested" Sarah told Ellie

"No she doesn't bit Penny has been falsely accused" Ellie told Sarah

The argument had ended in with both lawyers being called and where they were now sat in a court room on a rather windy rainy day while others were only just waking up or coming back from work

Rose with the held of the FSL (Fire Station Lawyer) they had filed a counter case and here they were now

They wouldn't turn this on Penny and her family Rose and everyone who knew it was Nick at fault wouldn't allow it and had assured Sam and Penny that they were behind them throughout this

Once the lawyer was there both Rose and Malcolm found out Nicks dad studied law

They all had there witness and Lucy was there sat next to Rose in a formal dress and I was sat in a quite uncomfortable shirt which was to small for me

Time to steal James's clothes once I get back, I'm sure he won't mind a few now being mine eh?

It started and Nick's dad started by saying that his son had been accused by Jones and her family, this made me confused, I had yet to completely understand what the word accused meant

He told the courts I had been bullying Nick and he tried to get my cast off and I was getting quite emotionally upset

He then said we were falsifying information and when he was asked to show said so information he couldn't and was told to sit down before the Penny and my lawyer did an objection that was allowed

He then told the courtroom and the judge that Nicks dad had been indeed lying, he showed all of the evidence that had on them and it showed that Nick was indeed bullying Jones

He read lots of children's witness statements and reports and they all pointed to Nick, The adults in Nick's family were still quite convinced

The x-Ray come through and they saw my arm was broken and Nick looked and he looked shocked at the damange he had done he saw bruised devlopong on my arms and thighs while I cried into my dads chest

He asked of Penny had actually had a warrant which both police' sand South Wales police (after hearing the news from Newtown) had shown and said that she hadn't due to following the court, none had expect Nicks parents and auntie

Nicks dad objected and it was allowed and he said this was false and that I had been doing it

The statements from the Sub and the deputy head didn't help him swap from his so called thought, Nick new no one bit his parents and auntie could help aide him after this

Lucy had also shown her statement and I was told to take a stand

I was quite nervous but hid the emotions, before coming up I wiped my face and especially my eyes and cheeks

I was asked if I knew Nick

I told them the truth, which was that I didn't know him to I re started Newtown Primary after it had been closed for a while

I was then asked if I had made any of this up before Nicks lawyer threw his face into mine and spat into it before trying to get my cast

I was told sit down and I did so the spit making me feel more sick then I was to begin with

The court ended the court case and due to the statements and the multiple witness and all the evidence pointing to Nick we were dismissed and Penny had a "So called crime" taken Off her

Nicks dad was then told he wouldn't become a lawyer or any place in the law job list and mum rubbed my face to get the spot off it

The meeting was rescheduled for the 29th and we all agreed on it before we headed home

The police forces went to check up on how Mark and Jessica were doing on there date off to look after Lucy and Carter

The sun and Mrs Sandy headed to the school while my parents took me to McDonald's for dinner but I rarely ate my chicken and bacon wrap and I she a few chips

"Sure your not I'll Jones?" Mum asked seeing me only order child and not my normal

"Could he" I laugh "got spat on"

"That's probably it" penny smiled

We had another cover plan and I get to see if I can draw it

We headed upstairs and once in our pjs ;me in my fave station pjs)

I slept with mum and dad in there bedroom too scared and not gonna lie sick to sleep alone

Ambulance 61 had been with Ellie and Sarah discussing littery anything to it had to be on shift

Shift? You might ask

"Guarding shift to add if anyone wants to hurt the Jones's" she was told

I watched there efforts from my bedroom window each year

Squad three was on duty with Engine 51

Truck 81 was having a nap and so did Ambulance 61

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