The plane flight

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As it took off Sam and Penny saw Jones who was quiet and wasn't watching anything she enjoyed so Penny passed her her phone and gave Jones some earphones to distract herself

Jones took them and listened to some music Penny had on her phone

The food came and Sam and penny ate there's once they checked for allergies

Sam checked Jones's and passed her a bowl of chocolate cake so at least she would eat something

But that didn't get touched so penny tapped Jones shoulder and said "cake?"

I shook my head and Sam said "She's really not hungry is she"

"No not really she hasn't touched anything, how about rice?" Penny asked

I shook my head and they kept trying cake and the chocolates

The food was took back and Penny asked for drinks and asked for two cups of coke and a cup of Fanta and the air hostess soon swiftly brought them to the Jones's

It had now been 3 hours into the flight

Steele and Ellie were talking about Pontypandy and the emergency's they had heard them in Pontypandy do

"How do you think the Jones family is coping?" Ellie asked Steele

"Not well" Steele said "Jones is worried"

"Hopefully she calm soon" Ellie said

Steele nodded before he fell asleep and Ellie also fell asleep

The Jones's got there drinks and penny said "Jones if your nit going to eat can you drink?"

I nodded and drank some but then the plane hit turbulence and the can cut my lip and Penny passed Sam the can which was still full to him and suggested he down it

Sam looked at it and he wasn't a huge fan of Fanta but he downed it and put the can away just as it hit rockier turbulence and Penny saw me squeezed my eyes shut and bring my legs up and held Arlo tighter

Penny gripped my arm in a hope to calm me, it didn't

Steele had been woken up due to the turbulence levels and decided to play a game with someone on the play, he knew Jones's seat number so typed it in but wasn't to suprised when he figured out who was playing instead of her

Penny was which meant Jones wasn't coping

Then the turbulence finished and The row went loo and we came back and once I had been wrapped back up in my comforter and seatbelt up I fell asleep and penny slipped in Arlo into my hands

"Hopefully she sleeps the rest of the way" Sam said quietly as to arouse me and penny kissed my forehead before she said "She cut her lip but it seems healed now"

"That's good, on the can I presume?" Sam asked as he rested his head on penny's shoulder

She nodded and said "Sam sleep you seem tired"

"Make sure you sleep to the Penny" Sam said as he fell asleep and Penny wrapped him up in the blanket the aeroplane company had gave them before they had tuck off and redid his seatbelt before she did the same to herself

Penny fell asleep a hand on the Jones's either side of her

Steele and Ellie had gone to there toilets at the back of the plane and sat down

Steele was doing his crosswords and Ellie decided to snag in a nap

Steele looked over after a while and saw her fast asleep, he didn't wake her though, not to he had to anyway

Five hours had passed when the Jones's woke up

Penny was first to wake up and she her husband fast asleep a hand grasping the blanket and her daughter doing the same, they were deftly related

She didn't wake either of them but knew Jones would wake up first and she did and she also knew Sam needed the sleep

Penny wiped the sleep from her daughters eyes and was glad Jones had slept some of the flight away

"Home?" I ask

"Nearly Jones, on hour left okay" Penny said

"Daddy?" I ask

"He's asleep" Penny smiled as she felt her husbands forehead to make sure he wasn't coming down with anything and she did the same to me

"And he's okay and so are you" Penny smiled and Sam stayed asleep half an hour later when they came round asking for blankets and Penny gave them hers and tried to make them collect Sam's once they had landed and gotten off

They refused and Penny knew this would wake Sam up which she didn't want but she unclipped his seatbelt and unclasped his hand from the blanket and passed it them and they walked off to the row in front of them after Penny had to visibly show them that my wasn't one of theres but her own as it said Jones on the tag

Sam had made everything I owned say Jones on it expect from her Arlo teddy as on the tag it said Arlo Jones and not just Jones

Sam's seatbelt was some up and Sam's hand was wanting to clasp something so Penny offered him her hand which he coiled his hands around but ten mins later once Sam had gone back into deep sleep the turbulence started up again and Sam was jolted awake and Penny would have to check he didn't have whiplash from it once they had landed

The snow was coming down heavily and would normally be beautiful to look at but tonight the snow was having an opposite impact on Jones and she was hating it as she normally loved the snow

I started to cry and Penny grabbed her arm even if it did nothing to calm her fear and people were staring to give the young Jones some weird looks

The plane went to land and as it did so it thudded causing me to Yelp in fear which made others scrowl at the family

It swerved to one side a little but it straighten and landed without no bumps

Now everyone was waiting to get off as it pulled into the gate and everyone filed off looking at the Jones's as they did so

Penny passed the comforter to Sam as she picked up me so once there bags were with them they departed the plane

Steele and Ellie had departed first and had gone pass passport control and were now at the luggage haul and the Jones family was caught up at passport control but soon were let through and they met Steele and Ellie at the luggage haul

Sam was now holding me and said "Jones you need to go down now"

I nodded and let dad put me down as I shivered and penny wrapped me up in my comforter and once all the bags were of the carousel belt we went outside

Where we met with Boyce and Charlie

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