Tour of Firehouse 51

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Ellie saw me squirming and she placed me down and held my hand before she whipped me back up

"Ellie" I said "I want to go down"

"It's way to busy right now Jones, so when we get to firehouse 51 I'll put you down okay" Ellie said

I nodded and we soon arrived I was put down and Casey met up with us

"Hello Jones you are?" Casey asked

"This is Firefighter Phillips, also known as Ellie" I said "Or Els to me cause she got stung by an eltric eel"

"Jones do you need to tell everyone that story" Ellie said

"Erm yes" I said "how's you Casey?"

"I'm alright you?" Casey said before he said "Casey, Matt Casey but call me Casey" to Ellie

"Just call me Ellie" Ellie said "Phillips is normally resvered for my station officer"

"This is truck 81, that you saw yesterday before we go any further" Casey said as he saw me in awe all over it again

"She's a fire cadet back in Pontypandy and Newtown, she wants to become a firefighter like her dad" Ellie said

"She'll become a great firefighter I can tell you there Ellie" Casey said as he crouched down to face me and said "Want a pic with truck 81?, to show dad?"

"You be in it?" I asked

"Of course" Casey said and Ellie snapped it and sent it to Sam, Penny and Steele and myself before we went to find the rest of the group who suppose to help tour us

"Guys our tourists are here" Casey said as he made sure the group heard over the noise of the tele they had on which was broadcasting something but I couldn't see what

They turned there heads at us and turned the TV off as Casey said "Jones and Ellie the group, the group Jones and Ellie"

I waved so did Ellie and they waved back

"The group consists of Kidd, Herman, Serveride, Brett and Mullins" Casey said "Come meet them"

We walked to the group

"Stella Kidd but everyone calls me Kidd" Kidd said as he shook our hands

"I'm lieutenant Christopher Herman but everyone calls me Herman" Herman said as he shook our hands

"I'm Lieutenant Kelly Serveride but everyone calls me Serveride" Serveride said as he shook our hands

"I'm the paramedic in charge Sylvie Brett but everyone knows be as Brett" Brett said as she shook our hands

"I'm Chief Mullins but everyone knows me as Mullins" Mullins said as he shook our hands

"And you know who I am but I'm Matt Casey but everyone calls me Casey" Casey said as he shook our hands again

"I'm Ellie Phillips but knows Ellie to everyone else and Phillips is normally resvered for my station officer when he say's firefighter Phillips" Ellie said

"My name is Jones" I smile

"You Ellie's daughter?" I was asked by Kidd

"No, I'm Firefighter Sam Jones daughter" I said with a soft smile

They all look at me bar Casey in shock

"Normally my hair gives it away" I said "Also I'm fluent in Welsh"

"Awesome" they all said

I smile and then Mullins said "What Job do you want when your older then young Jones?"

"Firefighter" I said

"She's a firefighter Cadet in Newtown and Pontypandy" Ellie said "she's also top of her cadet class"

"I struggle with English" I said

And our tour started

First we were shown Engine 51

"This is what I drive" Herman said

I looked on in awe and bounced up and down

Then we saw truck 81 and I said "Casey drives this one"

"Yes you are correct" Casey said as he offered to hold my hand and i held it back

Then we next saw squad 3 and Serveride said he was in charge of this one"

I smiled and Brett then leaded us to Ambulance 61 and she said "I'm in charge of this, we'll all ambulances"

"Ellie is good at ambulances to" i quip

They all looked at Ellie and Ellie said "I am yes"

We then saw Chief Wallace's Boden's car and I looked on in aw

Then we saw reach 1pm and Ellie saw a text off from Steele saying Jones and you busy but when your done we'll meet you in the restaurant for lunch

Then the sirens went off and I stood next to Ellie out of the way and Boden walked in and saw his team get ready to go to the emergency

Once they had gone Boden introduced himself to both of us "chief Wallace Boden" he said as he shook our hands

"Ellie Phillips" Ellie said

"Jones" I said

"Sam's daughter?" He asked me

"Yep" I said as I smile

"What Job do you want when your older then Jones?" He said

"Firefighter" I quip "Then I can maybe take over my dads lead firefighter Job"

"She is quite like her dad you see" Ellie said as she squeezed my shoulder

"And she'll become a great one" he said as I was passed a keyring from Boden "I suppose I have to get on with my paperwork, your party is waiting for you at your hotel"

"I know, say bye Jones" Ellie said

I waved and said bye and once we were out of Firehouse 51 Ellie picked me up and carried me back to the hotel

I was then soon placed form and we walked into the restaurant, the others didn't have to look for us as my rambles of how the day had been/gone so far rambled through the whole restaurant

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