March 7th

33 0 0

Sarah and Ellie had now safely arrived back in Pontypandy under police escort

They saw Jupiter waiting with Kidd at the wheel apparently he was allowed to drive Jupiter as Sam was in Paris and Elvis was unwell

Mouch was driving Truck 81 and he was at Newtown Secoundary school doing a fire prevention day assembly and day

Kidd drove them to Sam's house where Malcolm and Charlie had been looking over for it so people didn't start to Ponder on Sam's absence

Sarah sat on Ellie's lap and Ellie let her even if she felt the bump grow a tad and she also knew that Ellie herself would need company soon to help her in the last few steps

Malcolm decided to text Sam to alert him and the others that Ellie and Sarah had arrived back in Pontypandy

Ellie knew Sam was in danger and hoped to heaven Steele wouldn't let Sam work with the danger threat, Sam would want to work, it was his nature

Malcolm had texted Sam saying that J was after him but it wouldn't happen and that he needed protection on any emergency calls he attend to

Steele after he had heard from Malcolm also texted Sam the information to

They both waited and hoped for a reply of Sam

They had both texted not to alert Jones, as if she found out while she'd be quite angry at Julia and would never leave her dads side

Sam texted back a whole hour later and it read I'll accept the polices help as well as the firefighters, and Malcolm, Rose, Aston, Mark and so on

Malcolm and Steele breathed a sigh of relief when Sam answered and both were thankful that he would accept there help

Sam then texted back saying Jones hasn't heard a single thing, think she's enjoying Paris more then we thought, she is missing Pontypandy and fire cadets though, she to has seen the fire station in the city as well as the airport one, Jones loved it, everyone was proud of her including the airports operations manager, doubt Jones will never forget that day

Steele: thought she would after all she is only eleven, she doesn't entirely understand what's going on and why you lot are in Paris, in that case if she really enjoyed that tour you and Penny can take her to see London Heathrow's and Soho one also. I'll put a good word in for you and both will be notified in advance that you and your family will be coming

Sam: that's a great idea, Jones will love that and some day she would see other fire stations like the one in LA and New York

Steele: I agree and I'll book them also and I'll book the one in Arizona and some in England and Scotland as well

Sam: it be amazing for Jones considering she's a fire cadet

In Paris Sam told Penny what Steele had said and she go was proud and then he told her what Malcolm said and she nodded

He then told her how Steele was working on the fire station yours for Jones and how they would happen on her summer holidays so before she did Y5 at age 12

Steele told him it be in the summer holidays and after Sam's text of that's great news, Steele sent a list

A list that looked like this: 

1. London Heathrow Airport Fire Service.

2. London Fire Brigade Station in Fulham.

3. Fire Department of New York (New York City) Fire Station 34.

4. Gilbert Fire and Rescue Department Station 3 (Arizona).

5. Los Angeles Fire Department Station 118 (City of Los Angeles).

They both knew it wasn't safe for them to go back to Pontypandy yet but Jones was started to miss her cadets and her friends, however not her pranks as she had been pulling them all week long, Sam's hair still had glitter in that he couldn't get out in a single wash

Meanwhile I had still been practicing my French all of us had but they didn't seem to have the passion like I did for it

After practising mum knew she'd need to check up with Malcolm on when they could return

I looked up at Rose and asked her what life was like for her at my age and Rose picked me up and sat me next to her before she started to explain to me

Rose knew I wouldn't judge due to my childhood trauma and past

"I was bullied to" Rose told me "Maybe a little more then you was"

"Really?" I asked shocked

She nodded and said "Still remember the day like you still remember what J did to you"

"How did you know that I still remember what J did to me?" I asked

"Jones you and a nightmare last night about J" Rose said as she pulled me close

"True" I whisper

My parents apparently already knew about Rose's past but Rose and Malcolm knew of all firefighters past also, it's like a circle of knowing

After she asked permission of my parents due to my emotophobia and Tomophobia she showed me the scar she still had

"Ouch" I said hands pulling her top down gently

"It don't hurt no more Jones" Rose chuckled

"But wait I'm confused, Sarah's needed to be aired why doesn't yours?" Confused ne asked

"Cause Sarah's was brand new at the time however mine is like thirty years old" She told me

"That's long" I said "I hope I don't get a too big of a scar like that, I still want to witness my first Forrest fire yet"

(We all know how that went down)

My parents face palmed

Rose's scar was from where her appendix had been and that she had been beaten brutally

We were all sadden to hear that and Rose told everyone that the only ones who knew was them and the NHS as well as Malcolm

Rose decided to quiz me on the French I learnt just as dad accidentally sat on the remote

I smirked at dad as the tv turned on it Italian as it started to show a news programme

It said this

"Ora abbiamo ricevuto notizie secondo cui Julia Annie è stata arrestata dopo il rapimento di Ellie Phillips e Sarah Jones.

Sono stati entrambi misteriosamente prelevati da Newtown e quindi i rapporti della polizia ci dicono che Julia Annie era dietro l'inquadratura di un altro vigile del fuoco e ora stanno arrivando rapporti secondo cui ha intenzione di prendere di mira l'uomo che aveva preso anni fa.

Il suo ritrovo si trovava approssimativamente tra Newtown e Pontypandy.

La polizia era sul posto con i membri dei vigili del fuoco di Pontypandy, della ricerca e del salvataggio, della guardia costiera e dei vigili del fuoco di Chicago.

Non abbiamo ricevuto una dichiarazione da nessuno dei servizi di emergenza né a Newtown né a Pontypandy, ma continueremo a monitorare la situazione."

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