Mrs Chen cslls and nervousness

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After a while Sam stood up swaying slightly as he walked to the sleeping quarters when he could hopefully fall onto a bed and fall asleep but he couldn't as Mrs Chen called

And Sam answered with a groan as his head continued to pound

Bold - Mrs Chen
Normal - Sam

"Hey Sam sorry it's late how's everything there just heard about the snow storm and closure on Pontypandy"
"Everything's fine"
"You sure, you sound like your slurring your words anyway, I watched the news and saw Jones in Chicago with you, penny and Ellie, and did he get convicted"
"He did yes, don't worry about me I'm just tired"
"Anything else happen part from Spellman finally being locked up?"
"Penny got sabotaged and framed, Norman loosened the bolts on Sarah's sled causing her to break her arm, and she was cold, still think she's upset about the whole situation"
"I bet, her parents?"
"Mike got I'll due to the flu, he's home with his family know, so's Bella but Bronwyn and Charlie never contracted flu"
"Heard about Bella, what did Bronwyn and Charlie get then? Don't tell me something worse then the flu"
"Afraid so, they got lost in the snow storm, suffered with hypothermia both did"
"Charlie took a week to wake unlike Bronwyn who was fine that sat but she's with him now, also James is okay to"
"I've been told about my background checks being checked by Newtown Police and the deputy head and I'll do it before I arrive for the teachers meeting and I'm safe and sound, should be back soon"

The call ended and Sam rubbed his head, the headache pounding and the feeling of sick making itself more known every minute of the day

In Jones's room of the sleeping quaters he saw me and mum snuggled into each fast asleep once he unlocked the door so he re locked it and left the shoes in his and Penny's room

First before he could drift off to sleep to hopefully take the edge of the pain and sickness away he went to Ellie and Sarah, who were asleep in Ellie's bed in the girls department

He saw them fast asleep and he saw his niece curled up into Ellie an arm around her waist to protect her and Sam smiled as he headed back to his and Penny's room and once he was laying down in his pjs  the pain didn't go away if anything it was much stronger

Half an hour later so at midnight Ellie woke up to movement and saw Sarah awake and looking somewhat lost

Ellie asked her "what was wrong"

"Stomach feels weird" Sarah whispered

Ellie felt it and said "You nervous?"

She nodded and Ellie took her to see Sam and knocked on the door and Sam opened the door eyes half focused but once again blamed it on sleep and changed his pillow and asked Ellie "what was wrong"

Ellie told him "Sarah felt nervous and needed help from her uncle"

Sam nodded and between the both of them they got Sarah to calm and she curled up into the pair of them

Sam moaned in pain and Ellie eyed him and said "You okay Sam?"

"I'm fine" he slurred

"Sam, your slurring your words" Ellie said as she started to panic

Ellie then realised she and Penny had forgotten to either call Helen or check Sam's head themselves, now they had no chance and Sam was already slurring his words

Sam laid down his face scrunching up and Ellie knew he would refuse the painkillers but Ellie didn't sleep as she watched both Sarah and Sam

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