Jan 21st Night and Jan 22cnd

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I was out on the skip with Ben and I told him about my school day and now I had running team tomorrow night and that I couldn't wait for it as it was the practises that would lead up to the running race that hopefully my parents would come see but they probably wouldn't due to both being busy with there jobs

Ben assured me they would find a way to come watch me in the race that would happen in June and I nodded

Ben then told me that Penny would say "That I had a great day at school and that she is glad that I did have a great day at school"

I said "Really?"

And as the skip arrived back at shore Penny said "Really, come here Jones"

I shook my head and held my arms up and she picked me up

We hugged and I told her that there was a new sun that I wasn't to sure about due to what had happened the last time we had a sub and mum assured me that the new sub wouldn't be anything like the old sub that I had once before and that she would look out for and the class as well

I relaxed and asked mummy where dad was

She told me he was busy so we headed home after we said "Goodbye" to Ben

Meanwhile Sarah and Sam were having a chat after she allowed her Uncle in and she asked him if her mum had sent him in and said that Charlie would be up here once he came back

Sarah smiled and Sam asked her to tell him about her school day honestly

She refused to before she half lied to her uncle forgetting that he like Jones could tell when someone wasn't telling them the complete truth

So he saw a message pop up on his phone from someone who had sent it him and he saw the video of three students bullying Sarah and Norman caught her in time before she fell straight onto her face

He saw Sarah blush when she saw Norman save her before she admitting to being bullied that day by thouse three

Ellie had came to see me and mum at the tower and mum told her what had happened and why I was a little bit upset

Ellie assured me the new sub was alright and would look after me also and then told us both that Mrs Chen would be alright in two weeks time, she just had the flu

After a while they headed home to the Jones's residence and we saw Sam watching Sarah as she played a game on her phone

He told us all bar me what had happened to Sarah and he showed Ellie and Penny the evidence to

They saw Sarah was bruised up a tad on one side so Ellie and Penny pulled her to one side, I was told to go upstairs or go outside so I wasn't in the way so I stormed off outside and Malcolm and Rose were called

Malcolm and Rose question Sarah and Sarah told them everything and Sam showed them the video he was sent and Malcolm soon found the video spiralling on the internet before he saw James and Norman both arguing on how the video should be deleted immediately

Once Rose assured him she would deal with it he went to the bullies house after Sarah told him there names and Rose called the section in charge of cyber crimes and they dealt with it and soon the video had been taken off the web

They saw that Sarah was okay and nothing was broken just bruised and Rose went to the station as Ellie passed Sarah some ice to help the bruises go down and Penny went out to find me once more

Malcolm told the bullies that if it did indeed happen again they would know about it and so would there parents and he left them be with a warning and he to headed back to the station

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