On way back to Pontypandy and a call

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Steele and Ellie had gone with Boyce so the Jones's could go with Charlie and Steele and Ellie didn't really want to split the Jones's up

In the car Boyce was driving, Steele in the passenger and Ellie sat behind him, Boyce asked the pair how America had been

They told Boyce everything, including Mr Spellman and how long he got convicted for and what he had done to Penny and then asked if they had attended anymore emergencies since they last talked to each other

Boyce chuckled and said "Routine fires and a door jam"

"So normal" Ellie smiled

"Yep Firefighter Phillips normal" Boyce said

Meanwhile in the Jones's car Charlie and Penny were in the front, Charlie driving, Penny in the passenger while Sam was in the back with me and I was still seatbelts with my comforter and Arlo still held tightly in my hands

"What's the time brother?" Sam asked a yawn appearing

"When you departed Chicago at 12pm it was 6pm here and it's a nine hour flight" Charlie said "So it's now 3am here meaning it's 9pm there"

"No wonder why I'm shattered" Sam said as another yawn erupted from the younger man

"Bed i think eh Sam once your back in Pontypandy" Charlie said

"Can't got to make a call" Sam said

"It's going to take us an hour and a half to get back to Pontypandy why don't you all get some sleep" Charlie said

We took his advice and all fell asleep in the car, I had already fallen asleep just five mins into the journey

We were heading back to the station where we would spend tonight and maybe tomorrow depending on how tired we were when we woke up

In Boyce's car Steele and Ellie had to fallen asleep

Jet lag catching up on them

An hour and a half later they arrived at Pontypandy fire station and saw all lights on but no sole in sight from where they were

As Boyce's car got there first he woke up Steele who in turn woke up Ellie and inside they went with there suitcases and bags

They were placed in Steele's office and then they went upstairs where they saw Arnold and Elvis fast asleep the tv blaring so Boyce left them to sleep and offered Steele and Ellie some tea before he issued them off to bed as well

They both accepted and once tea was drank they to headed to bed and they suffered with jet lag they fell asleep nearly twenty mins later at 4am

Boyce stayed waiting a while and noticed some people missing so went downstairs but couldn't see Charlie's car anywhere

He had a feeling Charlie had taken them to the cafe as after all he had his brother, his sister-in-law and his niece in the car all hopefully asleep but he hadn't taken the family home as there house was next door to the station and he hadn't seen a car go by

They were late and Boyce tried to ring all and got no answered, Charlie he wasn't fo bothered about due to driving and the others were no doubt asleep and he didn't really want to disturb them

In Charlie's car, Charlie took the scenic route from Cardiff to Pontypandy to give the rest of his family some more time to sleep, with his own family currently asleep in the wholefish cafe and his dad-in-law asleep at the train station. He wanted to make sure his brother and co stayed asleep

He accidentally forgot to alert Boyce this to he got lost at the roundabout and he texted Boyce saying wanted them to stay asleep a little longer, Sam is basically shattered, Jones hasn't mention a word and Penny's also tired but we're lost

Boyce chuckled and texted back saying Where are you?

Charlie: at the roundabout

Boyce gave him the directions and they soon arrived at the station and Charlie saw them all still asleep and Charlie shook Sam and Penny awake

Boyce got there suitcases and any bags he knew they wouldn't need and he saw Penny coil her hand around Jones's bag strap so he gave it her

Sam picked up the still sleeping me and made sure I stayed wrapped in my comforter

As we walked in Charlie helped Boyce with the bags before he went to say goodnight and goodbye to Sam, Penny and Me

Once Charlie left after Boyce and he had a quiet discussion outside did Boyce tell Penny to go to bed and he tuck me so mum could get ready for bed and once she was ready he laid me down my comforter still firmly wrapped around me

Penny stayed awake as long as she could before she fell asleep

Sam was in Steele's office calling the American Airline customer service and Boyce went to Steele's office to check if Sam was there but heard him talking to someone on the phone so decided to allow him to talk

Bold - American Airline customer service
Normal - Sam

"Hello American Airline customer service team Jane Dorset speaking how can I help?"
"We've just flown from Chicago to Cardiff on one of your flights and I would like to apologise"
"Apologise for what sir?"
"I didn't tell your team about my daughters traumatic past so I think a few people got pretty upset that my daughter was crying when landing"
"I see sir"
"To be fair it wasn't fair she received looks odd them but if I had said something before hand to your crew maybe they wouldn't of looked at us that way also she isn't scared of flying persay, she thought the plane was going to crash cause of the snow storm here in the UK"
"We understand sir and yes they shouldn't of given you looks as you would've explained to them if you could've had"
"Yes, next time I'll tell any airplane company her traumatic past and hopefully stop some of the looks she recived"
"Thanks sir for your apology and enquiry"
"Your welcome, it's 5am here I suppose I should go bed"
"Have a good night sir"

The call ended and Boyce walked in and said "You alright?"

"I didn't inform the company beforehand of Jones's past so when the plane was confirmed to fly through the snow storm she believed the plane was going to crash" Sam answered "She cried at landing which is normal and she was tired to add matters but everyone gave her such looks and I think that freaked Jones out as well"

"Did she sleep at all on the flight?" Boyce asked

"5 hours but I'm worried she's going to have a nightmare sir" Sam said "Now whenever I fly with Jones with American Airlines or with another aeroplane company I'm going to inform then on Jones's traumatic past"

Boyce nodded and said "Sam bed, penny's asleep a certain Jones isn't"

Sam followed Boyce to his and penny's room in the sleeping quarters

He said goodnight ro Boyce and Boyce closed the door

Once door was closed Sam took of his shoes and got changed into his pjs and made sure both his wife and daughter had no shoes on

They hadn't and he got into bed and pulled me into my fave hug before tucking us both in

Dad received a quiet "Thanks dad"

Me and dad then fell asleep

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