Jan 23rd

38 0 0

It was the next day and I woke up feeling nervous and I got dressed into some shorts and a top before brushing my red hair and throwing it into a low ponytail as I had cooking today and straight after cooking I would let my hair loose

Once downstairs and breakfast eaten dad told me Ellie was taking me to the bus stop due to him being needed at the station due to Elvis being in Cardiff Fire Station and Mum was out shopping so when Ellie arrived I held her hand

And off to the bus stop we went

But before we had left the station dad made sure Ellie had two of my epipens just incase I had an allergy reaction and due to me having cooking

And when we got to the bus stop we saw Rose with Lucy and we talked for a while before the bus arrived and we all got on the bus

Me and Lucy sat together on the bus and we soon arrived at school

My school day was alright and was normal until cooking and me and Lucy was in a pair, Bella and Annabell were a pair and Zara was in a pair with her twin brother George

As we were cooking Bella asked me to watch her cake mixture while she went to the loo and Annabell was occupied in finding the oven gloves

As I was busy Nick snuck up to mine and Lucy's mixture and added some oranges and strawberries into the mixture and when Annabell and Bella returned back to there own cake mixture I turned back to mine to see Lucy gone

Unknownest to me Lucy had seen Nick put them in our mixture and had gone to find Mrs Estevez and tell off Nick to her

I tried some of our mixture and I started to feel off and my throat was indeed starting to swell

Mrs Estevez saw Lucy who looked rushed and panicked and asked her "what was wrong"

"Nick added strawberries and oranges to mine and Jones's mixture and she's allergic to them" Lucy panted as she said it

They both saw me try some mixture before dropping the spoon and Mrs Estevez told Lucy to make some new mixture and passed her the cupcake cases as she grabbed my epipens and came to me and saw me clawing at my throat

She administered the epi pen into my leg and held me and until I stopped clawing my throat and I asked for mum and she called my mum

She told me I had had an allergic reaction and also had an anaphylactic shock also

I saw that my sub was tons better then Mr Spellman and I saw she showed true compassion and I smiled and before we know it my mum arrived

I watched Mrs help Lucy make our cupcakes before cooking them and she texted Sam saying Penny's on her way to pick up Jones, she's had a slight allergic reaction

The sub stayed with me to Mum arrived and she brought Mrs Sandy along also, apparently her car had broke down this morning

Mrs Sandy and Mrs Estevez went to find Nick while mum took me home after mum got told I had an allergic reaction and what to and also Lucy gave me half the cupcakes

I said bye to her and Mum drive me to the station and when we arrived at the station we saw Truck 81 and dad was surprised to see me with my mum and I ran to him and he held me and Penny said "She had an allergic reaction to oranges and strawberries"

Sam kissed my head and said "Do we know who?" And he put me down

"No, not that Mrs Estevez might know" Penny said before kissing Sam

Sam told Casey how the new sub was treating the class and he was quite pleased and then I asked to do some training and I gave him a puppy dog expression

He allowed me to do some training after he told Boden about her and they both decided to raise her pay next time she was on duty with Firehouse 51

Then with my parents and my grandad Steele and Boden the chief of Firehouse 51 we did some training with the ladder and I shocked them all as I did fantastic

After that we washed truck 81 and my mum sprayed me with the hose so I chased after her and I saw she was in a sports bra and shorts as dad was in a t-shirt and shorts and I was in my swimming costume as we played with the hoses

Steele and Boyce allowed it as it was keeping me happy and distracted from the things that was stressing me which was called School

They also asked me how my day went so I told them straight what had happened and why I wasn't currently at school

After washing Truck 81 and having some fun we all had a shower one by one and my parents as well as Arnold were called out to an RTA and apparently it was involving Mike

Chicago fire department and Firehouse 51 headed there also and they followed Pheonix and Venus to the emergency

Meanwhile Sarah was at school and her day was going relatively well also to lunchtime when the bullies turned on Sarah once more

Due to Norman being off sick Sarah couldn't be pulled back from them so she legged it but ended up being caught by one of them

She was held by Jennifer while Grace held her arms behind her and Kyle lifted up the top of her uniform to reveal the scar and everyone who wasn't one of Sarah's friends or family laughed at it

She did run to Mr Shaw to explain the whole situation to him, he was ashamed to hear of this and he pulled Sarah aside and asked her to write her story of events and everyone who saw it as well as the bullies were made to write one to

Mr Shaw assured Sarah that anyone who had any of there body showing of it that they didn't want to show didn't have to show and people making it seem visible to others wasn't allowed and he asked her if she had had a surgery recently for the scar to be there

Sarah told him all of it from the strawberry allergy to the schools reopening and the mystery letter the police had got that one time a few weeks ago

And he then wrote a letter and email addressed to her parents, her uncle and Pontypandy Police as well

He would inform the bullies parents once names were given and he started to go through statements that they had been written under his asking

He called the nurse to examine Sarah and as she did so Mr Shaw saw the names of the bullies, Grace Thomas, Kyle Anderson and Jennifer King and he sighed

Life would never be easy for the Jones kids and he wished that people would leave Jones, James and Sarah alone

And he was told Sarah was just stressed and embrassed but other then thouse two factors she was alright and healthy

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