Jan 11/Jan 12

47 2 0

In the hospital, it was soon reaching ten pm and Jones wasn't responding to them at all but was still looking at the wall but now moved onto the floor

Amelia had arrived and as Harry left to go get some testing kits Penny and Sam told her about Hannah and James and how they were dating

They told her everything that the family had gone through in the weeks leading up to the present day and then they told her about how Sam enjoyed his date night with his wife

Amelia was proud of her mum and then Harry walked back in with a testing kit which made the family unsure

The parents and Amelia was very unsure of the testing kits but in the end they allowed Harry to do the tests

The adults (My parents and my sister) calmed me down incase I responded

I didn't and Harry checked the test after it was done, he then called a friend of his, Dr Samuels and when she come see her, he excused himself politely and went to go retrieve her and lead her to the room that held Jones and her family in

Then I looked up at my family and asked "why I was at the hospital"

They all breathed a sigh of relief and dad held me tight and said "Harry's finding it out for us okay you stay calm"

He kissed my head and I blushed madly

Harry came back with Dr Samuels and she introduced herself to me and I introduced myself to her and shook her hand as she shook my hand

"How's you Jones?" She asked me

"I'm fine, you?" I ask

"You must be her family and I've told Harry already, I am very much known for children who seem to not respond for a session of time it can vary" she told my family

I looked at her and followed my finger before I said "so what's wrong with me then? Can I still be a firefighter?"

"Of course you can, this is mostly only seen in children anyway" She said "normally young children but can happen to people who have trauma"

"Like me" I said

"Yep, like you" she smiled "also Mandy has told me so many good stories about you"

"Really?" I smiled wide

"Yep" she said

"So what is wrong with her doctor?" Penny asked

"She has Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome" she told me

"Great another one to add to the collection thanks J" I sighed sadly

Sam rubbed my back and said "She can become a firefighter still right?"

"Yep she can still become a firefighter" she smiled as she crouched down in front of me

"Yay" I smiled "But J made me have trauma"

Dr Samuels then explained that I was in a minimal concusius state and that instead of medication I would benefit better from something else

We all looked at her

"The best option is Sensory Simualtion" She said with a smile "And that supportive treatment would also help her"

Meanwhile in Pontypandy everyone was asleep and then someone tried to break into the house and Truck 81 sprung into action and managed to find the suspect/s down to the police arrived

They soon arrived and thanked the whole of Truck 81 and said that they would make great bodyguards for The Jones's, Ellie and there friends

They smiled at that thanks and they walked back in to see Sarah freak and Ellie stirring and she asked what had happened

Casey told her everything as they all noticed Sarah's scared behaviour as it started to freak her out and she knew the thoughts were starting to haunt her and Kidd brought Ellie Sarah's trauma meds

Ellie passed her the meds and in an hour it worked

Casey had gone to see how Hannah and James were and saw they both awake

They had been awake since hearing the crash and the thud, Hannah had also freaked out but James pulled her close and kept her close to him as he wrapped her arms around her

The police then took the statements of Ellie and Sarah first and Sarah told them she had heard it all but hadn't seen it and Ellie told them the same and so did Hannah and James when they were asked to give statements

Then Truck 81 were asked for statements and they all said that they had heard the break in and had sprang into action immediately so they could protect Ellie, Sarah, Hannah and James but they were to late in keeping the window from smashing but had held down onto the suspects to Newtown and Cardiff police arrived

Cardiff Police took the suspects away after saying thanks to them all in the house and headed off back to Cardiff

Now Newtown police and Truck 81 didn't know what to do with the broken window so Malcolm and Rose were called and when they saw it, Malcolm called his brother-in-law Mike

When Mike arrived, Malcolm explained the situation and that the window would need to be fixed before Sam, Penny and Jones got home as if they didn't Sam would probably get worried, Penny would end up protecting both her husband and daughter and Jones would be like her dad

Both Jones and Sam sadly in there heads meant broken glass meant J or P was nearby and they didn't want them to think that so Mike with Malcolm's help started the fix of the window

James and Hannah had a bath and once it was done they both snuggled back into the bed and fell back asleep as the clock hit midnight

Ellie bathed Sarah first while being careful of her scar, got her dried and dressed before Ellie laid Sarah down on the sofa so she could have one

After Ellie had done hers she sat next to Sarah

Sarah snuggled into Ellie and fell asleep

Ellie did soon after

And truck 81 took turns watching

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