Pain and worry

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After lunch was eaten and well enjoyed by all. Everyone was chatting bar Lucy who starting to feel pain go from the middle of her stomach before she started to get shooting pains in the right hand side.

Rose saw it and asked if she was okay.

Lucy lied and said she was "fine" to the pain came shooting through the right hand side once more.

Rose laid Lucy down and called for Penny and Ellie. They came over and this is when they know something is terribly wrong. Ellie felt Lucy's abdomen and this is when Ellie bit her lip and knew something was up with Lucy's appendix.

Ellie said it was most likely appendicitis but she wasn't too certain but told Rose and Lucy that it hadn't ruptured yet which was good.

The station officer had called their control room and told they had a medical emergency in the station. Sam held me and rubbed my back in a hope to calm me. When he knew I was just worried about Lucy.

Lucy was then loaded into the ambulance with Rose following. Penny and Ellie made sure Rose and Lucy had there belongings with them before Medic 253 drove them to the nearest children's hospital.

The rest of us were worried about Lucy. Me more so. Before we all left however we were all given a care package gift and was told to give one to Lucy and Rose as well. That we can do. When we see them though. I looked away shyly.

The packages were care packages from the HQ of the GFRD and the Gilbert Police department (GPD).

Dad told us we can visit Lucy before they head out to Los Angeles where we'd be meeting the crew of station 118.

The firefighters told dad and Steele that the station over there was a great team and the station officer was a nice man.

After a while we said our goodbyes and then left. They and we hoped Lucy was alright and mum ended up picking me up due to me being worried too much. This made Penny think maybe me and Lucy had a connection like me and James did.

Ellie asked me if I wanted a snack and I nodded and said yes. We all enjoyed a snack in the van. While we ate our snacks we saw what the care packages were. They were commemorative souvenirs which had the official logo of the GFRD on it. We all loved it.

After the snack was eaten we headed to Phoenix, as we were told by Rose that was where she and Lucy was.

Rose texted Dad saying We are at Phoenix Children's hospital and that they were near the station

Sam: where exactly though?

Rose: near the hospital, if you mean station, near the station if you mean Hospital

Dad asked Ellie to make a quick stop at the hospital so they could all see Lucy. She agreed and I said "We see Lucy?"

"Yes Jones we see Lucy" Mum smiled while messing my hair up

"Mum!" I say with a playful smile

We then arrived at the hospital and we were only allowed a few mins with her and this incase she needed surgery. A word that made me pale.

We were lead to Lucy and we stayed real close together and chatted for a while as the adults chatted and soon our time is up and we leave Rose and Lucy be to find out if Lucy needs surgery.

Then me and the other firefighters Station 5 of the Phoenix department.

Rose texted dad around half an hour in saying It is appendicitis but apparently it doesn't need to be removed

Sam couldn't wait to tell the others but more so me

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