Hidden Camera

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Malcolm and Sam got Jones up at half 6, an whole hour before she had to get up and they apologised numerous of times as they were now dealing with a tired cranky Jones

They put the hidden camera in her jackets pockets zip and they treated her to a cooked breakfast in a hope it would somewhat cheer her up

They then turned the camera on and made sure it worked, it did and Jones pushed there hands away, she was bored of the fussing even though she to wanted this to end but she couldn't tell them what was wrong verbally as she would get very mentally tired after the day or now half days

This was unlike Jones and if you knew her this was out of character for her so everyone who knew her was on high alert

They would get to the bottom of this, that they knew and they knew this camera would help them

It did and she ate it all up and Malcolm took her to school as Trevor's bus hadn't turned up and Sam then got a call saying his bus had broken down so all parents were taking children to school in Pontypandy

Malcolm picked up Mandy and she sat next to me and we discussed Maths homework and helped her with it before he took Mandy to Newtown Secoundary and I waved her and watched her go in

Malcolm chuckled and said "You two are good friends you know that"

"Yep, Mandy is understanding of me and my past, the whole of the kids in Pontypandy are and so is my friend group in Newtown" I said

"Cool, who's your friends in Newtown again?" Malcolm asked

"Bella Bonston, Zara Samuel, Annabell Ashton, Lucy Roberts, Harry Lola, Andrew Rodrick, Lily Chen, Mallory Spies" I smiled widely "But I think me and Zara's twin brother George Samuel are now acquaintances meaning we hopefully we will become great friends"

"That's great" Malcolm said

"And in Pontypandy, my friends are Mandy Flood, Norman Price, Hannah Sparks, Sophie Williams, Sarah Jones and James Jones" I said

Malcolm smiled and said "When Sophie comes back from her visiting her mum, I'll make sure she sees you"

"Yay, thanks Malcolm" I smiled widely as we arrived at Newtown Primary and I paled dramatically but I got out and waved at Malcolm as I walked in

Malcolm didn't drive off until I was in school

I meet up with my friends

"Heya guys what's up?" I ask

"Mr Spellman is late" Zara said with a hint of a smile in her face

"Zara what's up?" I ask

"Just feel like he's not a good teacher at all" Zara said

I hugged her so did the rest of our friend group

"Littery he yelled at us all yesterday for no reason" Annabell told me

"What, that's a disgrace" I said "He shouldn't of done that"

"I know right, he then told George he can't write in pencil" Bella defended

"You okay George?" I ask

He nodded and said "I am thank you"

"You can hang out with us if your sister Zara doesn't mind" I ask and I looked at Zara

"I don't mind come hang out with us bro" Zara said with a smile

George smiled and we all did the famous hand thing and I asked where the rest of the friend group was

They said in form and then our teacher walked in and snapped at us to stand in a line

We did so, so he didn't moan at us

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