Date night, News and Nightmaires

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It was now getting onto be nearly the 21st of December and Hannah and James were both out in Newtown after they had told there parents where they would be if they were if an emergency was to arise

They had gone to James's fave place a pizza restaurant and Hannah knew how much James wanted to become a chef especially a pizza chef

They ordered two pepperoni pizza's and two large lemonades and while they waited James told Hannah that he loved her

She said "I love you to back"

There food came and they ate it and they were both nervous as this was there first date together as a couple

Afterwards they had a sundae that they shared for dessert and James paid, Hannah said she was Paying next time, James said that was fine with him and they could take turns

They headed off back to Pontypandy on the bus and once back in the house they chatted together and watched some tele before having some chicken nuggets and chips for dinner due to the big lunch they had and then they headed to bed once showered and into there pjs

They were snuggled into each other when James admitted about how much he actually loved her

"Hannah I've loved for a while now and if you get hurt or injured I'll worry" James said quietly "Also I love you so much"

Hannah pulled him close and kissed him and said "I've loved you for a while to James, and I'll always worry about you to"

She kissed him again before saying "I love you so much"

They fell asleep snuggled into each other

Meanwhile Jessica and Mark were telling the Newtown Police force that were engaged, they were all so proud of them, they also told Malcolm and Rose of the Newtown police force and they to were so proud of them and both forces congratulated them

They then told Sam via a text messaging saying Sam, me and Jess are engaged, I asked her to marry me  and she said yes

Sam: well done Mark, we're here are so proud of you, me, Penny and Jones are proud of you Mark and jess, congratulations both of you

The couple was so happy that all of there friends congratulated them and were proud of them

At the hospital after finding out that Mark and Jessica had engaged Penny picked me up of dad and said "As Sam still needs to be observed for a while I suppose me and jones should head off"

Sam stood up to kiss Penny goodbye and he kissed my cheek as I was still asleep so I didn't realise my shoes were being placed on

My coat had been placed back on and dad said "her cheeks are really rosy, Arlo might be under the sofa"

He kissed Penny once more

Once home Penny instructed me to have a nice warm bath so I did so and as I did so she looked for Arlo and indeed there he was under the sofa and she washed him alongside my comforter and I came downstairs in my nice wooly pjs, Penny did the same after her shower and she passed me Arlo once it was washed and wrapped me in my comforter once it was washed

We then found ourselves in Sam and Penny's bedroom and penny held me close and saw me shiver so she put her jacket back on me and pulled me closer under the duvet

Mum placed the nativity films on as she reported to Steele, Boyce and HQ about the emergency she and me had attened and fulfilled

Sam texted saying that he needed to stay at least two more nights and asked if mum had found Arlo yet

Mum texted back saying I have found Arlo and she's wrapped up in my jacket, her comforter and the duvet, also that's unfortunate but for the best Sam

Sam: love you Pen

Penny: love you to Sam

Sam: I love you to Jones

Penny: she loves you to, she would text her phones at the tower with your jacket with my cap remember

Sam: I don't as I weren't there

Penny: oh Ben was, think it's best of me and Jones sleeps now, I'll message you tomorrow Sam

Sam: don't leave me I miss you and Jones

Penny: you'll see us soon Sam and besides sleep will make sure Jones's stays toasty and I know where her meds are if she needs them

After they had finished texting Penny knew I wanted my fave hug and said "When daddy's home I'll make sure he gives you your fave hug, how that sound?"

"Okay momma, I kinda wanted it now though" I said

"I know Jones, your missing dad arnt you?" mum said as she felt my cheeks

And boy they were slighty chilly

I nodded and said "Night mum"

"Night Jones" Penny said

Once I was asleep mum held me tight and knew what had woke me up from a nightmare earlier

What if Sarah hadn't, Penny sighed and knew if I had another one I'd gave to take a trauma tablet

Penny fell asleep next to me and neither of us woke

Sam was in his room and he was eating and having conversations with Harry when he got a break or when Sam's sats needed checking

In Sarah ad Ellie's room however Sarah had woken up and snuggled into Ellie and Ellie wrapped an arm around her

She then fell asleep and cuddled into Ellie once she woke up once more from a nightmare and Ellie did the same thing to comfort Sarah

Jodie arrived and hugged Ellie and was relieved to see she had no spinal or neck injuries and she told Ellie how much of the rescue Jones had did and both Sarah and Ellie was shocked

Jodie checked there breathing and hearts and Ellie assured her sis she was fine

"There was a time when you was on that spinal board with a neck brace," Jodie started "that I thought you wouldn't make it without a spinal injury or at least a neck injury"

Jodie kissed her sisters head and made sure her younger sister was alright

Bronwyn was there to and knew how Jodie felt as Charlie felt the same whenever Sam was injuries or in the hospital

Charlie and Jodie were the older siblings while Sam and Ellie were the younger siblings

Sarah was meanwhile asleep and woke up around an hour later to a horrible nightmare about Ellie being lost out at sea alone and her heart was racing as she took in the scene

It took Bronwyn, Jodie and Ellie to calm her down and Ellis assured her numerous times she wasn't going back in the sea for a while

Sarah smiled and she took a trauma med and stayed up for a while watching a Harry Potter film

Jodie passed her a coke and got herself and Ellie and tea and they all drank there drinks and chatted quietly amongst themselves but Ellie and Jodie could both agree that I was a very good round lifeguard and had been trained by one of the best lifeguards, my mum

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