Jan 8th

69 1 0

Mark and Jessica were in the hospital room and knew the doctors had to do all tests they had to do on premature babies

They soon declared to be doing really well

The babies had been rocked and fed to sleep as Jessica had chosen to do formula feed and while they waited for the others to come they decided to snag a few hours in

They didn't wake up to 4 hours later

Once they were awake they talked about the wedding they might have to reschedule it due to looking after two premature babies aka premature twins

They needed to figure out who could help look after both Lucy and Carter when the wedding was being planned and thought of, the venue would need to be child friendly now

The list as followed was: Sam, Penny, Ellie, Bronwyn, Charlie, Jodie, Helen, Mike, Dilys, Chicago Fire Department (Firehouse 51), Steele, Boyce, Lizzie, Hannah, Joe, Chicago PD (From America), CPD Intelligence (21st District and from America), Dr. Manning (Off-duty after working overtime at the hospital), Mrs. Chen, and then last but not least, Cindy (Herrmann's wife)

They chose Cindy in the end and she agreed to help them look after the kids and both he and Jessica gratefully thanked her numerous times and more thanjs would be appearing as the time went and came

They were well trained to look after the babies they were after having 5 kids themselves

While they were in the hospital the Jones's and the guests had woken up to a peculiar smell and I soon found out it was coming from the furnace so I got the tool box and fixed it

Everyone saw me work effortlessly to fix the furnace and with no help whatsoever from her father or anyone else

Once she was done she came back up looking a little dusty and upset her pjs had been ruined but wanted a secound opinion on the

Squad three showed your and we're shocked to see Severide with Casey and Sam checking it out before feeling it safe and very well fixed

It was deemed well and given the all clear

I smiled proudly as I was gratefully thanked by everyone and Squad three asked who fixed it and was shocked at the response

"How old are you?" I was asked

"11" I smiled

"And you learnt to fix a furnace?" He asked "by yourself?"

"Of my daddy" I smiled proudly

Penny decided to take her husband out to dinner so told Jones and the other two Wash the smoke and dust off them

I went first and changed into my other station pjs and then servride, Casey and Sam followed

Sam in a short and trousers and I raised an eyebrow, mum explained they were going a date, something I would do much later on in life

I was allowed to stay at the station with Casey but I made sure to hug both of my parents before they went as I would felt guilty if I didn't

Casey agreed and was passed everything I needed which was my teddy, my blue fleecy comforter, my trauma meds and some snacks

Sam told Casey the trauma meds were for me if I was to have a flashback or a trauma incsent, even though rare if something small of big triggered Jones it triggered her

Saying J and P was very traumatic to her and according to Harry she would never forget it, it was just her shoved away as she got older

Truck 81 and Ambulance 61 agreed as they all remembered watching the news about the whole Jones case before she lived with Sam and the kidnapping of Jones at age TEN

Then they were told to go to the station and everyone agreed including the whole of firehouse 51, Ellie and Sarah went over to the station as well and Ellie voiced to help Casey if he needed it

They asked Steele first via text and he texted Sam back saying it's fine be safe Sam and Penny, don't want to explain to young Jones anything like her parents are missing or in danger

Sam: Roger sir, we'll have fun also sir

Then we walked to the station

Once there we saw the rest of the crew and Boyce filling it for Mum once more as he and Steele knew they both needed a break (Jones's parents did)

While they ordered and ate there dinner which consisted on two prawn cocktails and a dish of hunters chicken (For Sam)

And a salmon with mash (For Penny)

Jones was doing some training at the station after everyone agreed and allowed her to do so

She was being watched by Ellie, Sarah, the whole of firehouse 51 and Steele and Boyce

I showed them everything I had learnt in lifeguarding and then show them how to apply it in a fire rescue situation

I also showed them how to put on and take of a ba gear and equipment of and on safely

I rolled the hoses up to and did all sorts, I volunteered to hammer dents out if any and was declined by nearly everything

As I trained, Sarah watched me in awe and knew I would become a brilliant firefighter and I was nearly there

After dinner they had gotten home the couple had and didn't lock the door the front door incase Jones wanted either of them or she had enough of being without then

Sam held Penny down and they did it and throughly enjoyed it

It hit midnight and the first thing Penny noticed was morning sickness at 00:35am (on 9th of January)

Penny knew it was a child but she needed to tell Sam (her husband) and tell Jones (her daughter) on the news, she didn't know how to and Jones was an unsure on how she would react

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