The most importnat meeting

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The next day Ellie, Sam, Penny and I were issued into the briefing room

This is where we saw Steele waiting for the others and he showed us our seats and the little space he had resvered for Jones if she found it all too much, which she might do as Jones after all did have trauma responses which showed up when her brain didn't agree with something

Soon a FBI agent who introduced himself as Agent Scott Forester

Then a NHS official came and she introduced herself as Shannon Rivera

Then Chief Wallace Boden from Chicago Fire department arrived and introduced himself to everyone who was in the room

Then the representative for the Department of education arrived and introduced herself as Hannah Perkins

Then the Newtown Primary staff arrived followed by both Newtown and Pontypandy police arrived

Everyone introduced themselves again and the meeting started as Steele cleared his throat and said "So as you know Mr Spellman had recently been arrested"

They all nodded and Steele showed them the report he and the firefighters who attended yesterday's emergency report and reports they had filed up and everyone looked at them

Malcolm showed them all his and Rose reports of the day just as Newtown police did

The NHS representative Shannon then showed them all of my injuries but she had ask permission from not only my multiple doctors and Harry who was my main one but her parents as well as her also

And they all grimaced and felt pity and they all sent glances at the young me who was starting to shy away so Ellie pulled me to one side and listened in on the adults talking but used her stephoscope to make sure I didn't breathe to fast that it would send me into a panic attack

And they didn't need that at the given time

The NHS carried on her speech,

"Hello my name is Shannon Rivera, As we can see Jones does bad multiple bruising which is viable on her arms and legs as well as behind her ears as that had started to bloom this morning at 3am" Shannon Rivera announced "Also Jones's stomach area as well as her abomneded area is very tense and tender, sadly this has only decreased slightly today"

The police forces both Newtown and Pontypandy were jottings down they could send to American Police and there forces especially the Chicago 21st district so they could have some evidence

"Jones is very lucky to have escaped a concussion even if I'm pretty sure she is now suffering migraines but has been given paracetamol by Firefighter Phillips this morning at 7am" Shannon said "Her arm is broken in two places also lucky it didn't require surgery but it is in a cast"

They all sent looks my way again and Ellie tried to keep me grounded with her breathing which I was following as they contiued

"She chose the colour blue as it's her fave colour, and it will need to stay on for two months, Harry and the other doctors have sent there reports and Statements already to the American police and we've just been alerted they have arrived there now"

After that, Hannah Perkins took to have her speech and I couldn't deal with it no more, I needed space

I couldn't breathe and Ellie asked for a breather which was granted by Steele much to people who wasn't police or fires dismay and I was whisked out Penny and Sam following

I was sat on the balcony as I curled up into the wall

"Ellie report" Sam ordered as he held his daughters hands and ran his thumb across my knuckles in a hope to calm me down

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