Next day

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I had woken up and gotten dressed while feeling quite tense and uneasy. Dad and mum both sensed this and Penny texted Rose telling her what I was feeling and that I was worrying about Lucy.

Rose texted back mum saying Lucy's been treated with antibiotics for it and won't need surgery and won't need to stay in hospital longer then she needs to, so we should be with you around lunchtime, If we don't meet you at the diner for breakfast after spending the night here with hospital food

Sam found a restaurant and told Penny the address and name of it and she told Rose over text.

Once Steele and Ellie was ready they headed off to the restaurant in the van. We drove to a city called Tempe which had a cafe that served english breakfasts in.

We walked in once we arrived. I sat next to dad and we scanned the menu and Lucy who was with Rose joined us and sat down at the table before also scanning the menu.

We then ordered breakfast and dad made sure I had nothing I was allergic to on mine also with no tomato and no beans on mine. Soon the food came and dad checked mine over before he allowed me to eat it.

Once it was eaten and paid for we all got back into the van. We decided to drive to another fire station and Rose and Lucy headed back to the hotel so they could relax as even if Lucy was fine, she just wanted to cuddle with Rose for the day.

We went station 2 in Tempe and it was called station 2 Tempe fire, medical and rescue department.

We soon met the crew who met us and we were given a tour of the whole station before being show the vechiles. I was happy to be there with everyone else.

I then saw an engine that read 272 on it. As we toured around it I noticed it needed a wash and with the station crew. As they was washing it I scrubbed hard to het the mud off. They had had a storm recently in Arizona and once the mud was off it was sprayed with water before being dried and polished before it was squeaky and clean.

We all smiled in awe and were glad we had managed to make it look so squeaky and clean. We then were chilled in the station to cool down.

In the station we had a great chat and we were all passed care packages from the firefighters and the station officer and they went into the van and I was shown there lounge and the rest of the station. We were shown the lounge and we saw how many chairs and then saw the few comfy chairs also situated there.

I was told that the station, station 2 was the oldest one in the city. I was happy to see another station even if they did get called out to a medical emergency and they allowed the tourists touring the station to attend the emergency also. HQ had approved me and the travel party to attend the emergency.

It was a medical call to a person who had fallen unconscious. Once we got there the firefighters tried to arouse him but then Ellie had an idea due to the couloir his lips had turned and his face was started to turn.

Since they go saw this. They knew it was done to choking and that had they to use the Heimlich manover after they realised he wasn't holding his breath anymore and the ambulance was called.

After a while he breathed without the help and the food came dislodged out of his throat and went into his stomach. The ambulance arrived and he was escorted into it with help by the adults.

Once they had gone to the hospital we headed back to the station. As the others didn't know what had happened to I explained that it was food that didn't go down probably.

Then dad said we needed to get back to the station and they waved goodbye to us and watched us go in the van and off we headed back to the hotel.

It was nearly lunchtime and Steele and Ellie headed back to there hotel rooms before going to the mall to get a few thank you gifts to Arnold, Elvis and Boyce for doing a good job by themselves and they took there care packages off Sam and gave them two to give Rose and Lucy one as well.

Ellie and Steele took Rose and Lucy out to the shops with them in the van and dad went go help me with my book while mum had a nap.

I was reading the map and dad helped me and after he did I drew a perfect drawing of it. I rested my head on my dads lap.

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