The talk of getting a plan sorted

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Sam, Penny and Steele were waif if for Pontypandy Police to arrive when Steele told Sam to call the Firefighters Union to ask for the lawyer as he would probably be used if Jones ended up seriously injured like they thought she could well possibly be

Also Steele wanted background checks done on the people who were teasing or bullying they know thought was going on

Sam called them and asked for him just as Malcolm and Rose waltzed in, Sam ended the call, told the others the lawyer was on his way

Steele then said they needed a plan, as they needed to find out what was troubling the young Jones and to find out why she was so quiet when she was normally very bubbly and outgoing and very much so an extrovert

Everyone agreed and they started to stragize a plan, a plan that would find out what was causing Jones's problems and who was causing them

As Jones wasn't verbally telling them who was causing her these problems meant someone who she didn't want to rope into trouble was causing them

If you didn't know Jones, she was a sweet and nice kid, who was so much like her dad but she hated the phrase snitches get stiches

As to Jones this meant she would get beaten up and she didn't want to relive that after having so much of her childhood age 4 to 8 by J and a session of a time at age 10 by J and P also

The plan was being discussed by all of them and they soon agreed on the hidden camera plan in which Malcolm would help Sam set up tomorrow morning before Jones headed to school if not later this current day

Meanwhile Jones had coke out of the shower hair soaking and shivering and was sat on the step while Ellie brushed her hair sat in her station pjs (they were blue with the station logo on them)

Ellie dried her hair and brushed it and put it into two plats, not French plats like her mum normally did in a hope to calm a young Jones down

Ellie checked Jones over for any bumps or bruises but couldn't find any in which she was grateful for

Ellie asked Jones if she wanted any dinner and at the shake of the head she received concerned her more so a check in Jones's lunchbox was first prioty there and then and her snack as well as her lunch was untouched

Ellie placed her down on her bed in her own room as Steele had issued them all to find Jones a bedroom in the station near the sleeping quaters she could call her own, where only she slept in it, parents could if she needed them

Ellie made her eat her packed lunch and saw her eat her sandwiches and her celery before she pushed it away, Ellie made her drink some water before she said "Goodnight" to Jones and left her to sleep

She reported back to the others and showed them how much Jones had eaten and how badly dirty her clothes were of paint via pictures on her phone

They told Ellie there plan of the hidden cameras to find out what was troubling Jones

Least it wasn't Lucas Loki this time - they all thought - But something more terrible and worse then him

Sam and Penny as well as Steele, Malcolm and Rose checked in on Jones at intervals so they didn't all go in once incase she woke up knowing she feel crowded if she woke up with all of them there

She seem so peaceful fast asleep but knowing something at school was troubling her made them all upset and mad, Jones normally loved school and her friends had been texting Sam on Jones's recent quiet behaviour. Also worried

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