Jan 21st

38 1 0

A few days after Ellie had been discharged from hospital had the schools announced there reopening much earlier then anticipated

Both Jones and Sarah weren't to sure on this idea but went along with it anyway

The other adults of Pontypandy who hadn't attend said school meeting had found out via the news on any news channel they watched

Mrs Chen and Mrs Sandy had told Sam and Penny as well as Steele about the early reopening as Mr Shaw had told Lizzie and Bronwyn

Sam and Penny helped Jones get her belongings ready for school but she wasn't to pleased when she had to wake up early so she got her blue dungarees on with a blue polo and stuffed her dads jacket in her bag

She put her trainers on and Sam brushed her hair and smiled and said "Washed hair last night Jones"

"Obviously" I smirk

Penny passed me my breakfast which was scrambled eggs and I ate it all up and smiled in the mirror before I held dads hand and we all walked up to the bus stop

Lucy and Rose joined us ten mins later and Lucy was wearing a dress and we hugged and dad said "Jones, what's in your school bag?"

As we all clambered on the bus I said "Your jacket bye dad"

The bus then went off and Rose said. "she loves you and probably wants a tad of you with her"

Meanwhile Sarah was unsure and told Ellie and her mum that people would laugh and make fun of her scar but both assured her they wouldn't as it be hidden under her school uniform

Sarah put her uniform on and adjusted the skirt before brushing her hair and once the blazer was on and some breakfast was eaten she headed off to school with her mum

Ellie decided to go into the hospital for a quick checkup where she found out she was indeed very much so sick and Dr Anderson passed her a bowl quickly and told her that morning sickness was settling in

The ultrasound was booked for a week and Bronwyn took her once dripping Sarah off at Newtown Secoundary and she was indeed in time for lesson one

During Sarah's day at school it had gone extremely well and had spent quite a lot of time with Mandy and James and Norman and Hannah

But at lunch things took a turn when three bullies attacked Sarah and pushed her down and made her all muddy and her lunch uneatable

James saw and his face went red, Hannah told him no but he chased after them firsts already made and Norman helped Sarah up and they both blushed as they held each other's hands

As Sarah went to get clean she slipped on her lunch and would've fallen flat on her face if Norman had caught her around the waist

The bullies called her "Slippery Sarah" and she felt embrassed but Norman held her close and curled his body around hers to protect it from the others on the playground or whatever nature threw at her

They had filmed it and Norman told them to delete it while holding Sarah close

It had been shared and the last two lessons went alright and on the bus ride she was quiet but sat next to Norman who held her close to they got to the bus stop

Sam asked her how her day went and Sarah lied and said "it was fine" before locking herself up in her bedroom at the cafe

Meanwhile my dad has gone extremely well to lesson four and we had Mrs Chen back and we did lots of getting to know each other and did a game called break the ice

After lunch Mrs Chen had gone home unwell, no doubt due to school dinners and we had a sub and she was called Mrs Estvez

And we were let out early and once home dad held my hand and we talked about my school day and his work day

The next day would be with the sub and the next day as the bus was late due to Trevor breaking down me and Sam met the sub

"My names Mr Estevez" She said "Full name is Kylie Estevez"

"Sam, Sam Jones" Sam said "Jones's dad"

"Ah hello Jones" he said

I hid and I wasn't to sure but he saw and Sam sighed and told him about my past and how I had trauma meds with the school nurse if required before telling him about the contacts I had

1st was Dad, 2cnd was Mum, third was Grandad, 4th was Uncle Charlie, 5th was Auntie Bronwyn, 6th was Ellie

He nodded and noted it all down

After a while Rose arrived and told her about Lucy and her situation with her past and Lucy ran into school excited

As we were introduced, yes it was nice to meet her but I was unsure, last time I had been taught by a sub I had been seriously injured

I wasn't taking any chances

She told the adults that she would help me and Lucy in anyway to make us feel safe and comfortable as well as happy and healthy

The adults agreed

Sam received a text saying that Sarah was refusing to come out of her bedroom at the cafe and that he needed to help her and Charlie find out what was wrong

So he and Rose left and Ellie and Penny were contacted on there way to also help Sarah and as Penny was at the tower she left after Ben had arrived to take over

While on the way Rose had got Malcom to look at the sub for Newtown Primary records and Malcolm texted saying Mrs Sandy and he had already did so before sending the results to Rose

They soon arrived at the cafe and I was dropped at the tower by dad in a hurried rush after he realised he had left me there

I was now with Ben and he asked me what was wrong and I said "I'm unsure about going school Ben"

"Why's that Jones?" He told me as he saw my eyes drift of to sea

"After what happened with the last sub and my past, I don't really think it's suitable" I mumble

"Let's take you out to sea to calm you, don't need dad or mums permission now your a lifeguard eh" Ben said and off to the boat we went and we went to sea

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