Jan 25th

32 0 0

It was now the next day and I was nervous to go to school and mum noticed it

I was wearing my joggers and a blue top and my dads jacket and my mum did my hair into two French braids before making sure I ate some breakfast

Breakfast was a egg and sausage wrap and we then headed to the bus stop and I couldn't stop worrying about how school had been recently for me

Mum noticed and once we got there she knelt down and cupped my face before kissing my forehead and assured me it wouldn't be like any times before that and that I would be safe and that whoever was hurting me wouldn't do it today

I was still quite unsure and didn't really believe her and soon Rose came with Lucy in tow and both asked what was wrong with me

Mum told them both that someone was being nuisance to me and it was starting to take a toll on me, a huge toll on me, but they couldn't do anything to they knew excatly who and how many were involed in causing me to be like this

The bus pulled up and Lucy got on and he allowed us to have some more minuets

Both females assured me that I would be fine at school and if anything happened again they would sort it out and they let me get onto the bus and off to school we went to

Meanwhile Sarah was worrying about how people would once more laugh at her again and Sam walked in to see Ellie with Sarah and Amelia

He asked what was going on and Ellie told him and Amelia said that she stuck up for her but all the adults told her to leave it to Mr Shaw next time and she nodded and understood what they were saying but then said Sarah still didn't desver it after they had hurt her feelings

Sam once again told her to leave it to Mr Shaw and she nodded and would in the future

Before Sam had walked in and saw all of this unfold he had been at the ultrasound to see how the baby was doing and it was doing great and Penny said "Time to tell Jones she's having a baby sibling"

They got some pics to take home with them and they were back at the station and Sam called Bronwyn to tell her to send some meds to Newtown Secoundary and she did so after calling Dr Alexander for some more so she could do so

Mr Shaw and the nurse at Newtown Secoundary was told why she had them and Mr Shaw said "I already know what to do as after all I have Jones's for when she comes to Newtown Secoundary"

And Dr Alexander had told Bronwyn that Dr King had told her what had happened and that she rob was embrassed and had made Dr Anderson take some days off work to allow her nose to heal

Dr Alexander had sent a letter to Mr Shaw saying it was for if she had a flashback or a panic attack and he accepted the letter even though he had revived one of Harry when he was looking after Jones while she and James was performing in a show before she Jones had her appendix out

Bronwyn was revived and told Sam and Ellie of the news she had been told and then Ellie and Sarah was napping as Sam got a text of Bronwyn

And Amelia went back to Newtown to be with her husband Liam

During Jones's day at school at Newtown Primary it was going great to they did English which Jones struggled with and Mrs Estevez saw and told Lucy go help Jones and she did so

Then after that it was normal to double PE and in double PE they were playing football

I was the best player on the team and I was scoring goals left, right and Center for my team to Nick thought of a plan and ran into me and tackled me like they did so in rugby

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