Investiagting the noise

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Penny and Harry looked at each other and calls regarding the situation had been made to Steele and the Newtown Police via the security's phone

They both arrived with torched and passed one to Harry and Penny and then Mark said "I'll go with my crew to find the suspects with the secruity who Jessica has already got on the CCTV while you three get to Jones and Sam"

They nodded and Harry lead the way, Steele and Penny following him

The secruity had managed to get the lights back on and they showed the Newtown Police the footage and off they went to arrest the suspects as Harry saw the police and security lead the suspects away from the room that located Jones and Sam in

Once they were sure they were gone they all ran in and they Sam curled up over me and he looked over as the door flung open and relaxed when he saw who it was and he let me go but I stayed leaning into him and I was wrapped back up in the blanket

"You two okay?" Harry asked as mum charged her phone back up

"Not really" Sam said as he ruffled my hair and I suppressed a strained smile

They saw two emerald green eyes weren't facing them and Sam felt a head nestled into his chest and he kissed my hair which mum brushed and did into two French braids for me

Steele with Penny went to get drinks and Harry asked if he could check over me and Sam, Sam said "That he could"

I also said he could do but I was scared they would try getting in again and I schooled my face expression into an expression of my fathers

Harry checked Sam over and felt his forehead and felt the fever Sam had sprung up with which has started the sock was still lingering and seemed to have gotten worse due to the stress he was feeling so he was given a nice cold cup of water with extra ice cubes in

But that didn't pull his fever down at all and he was made to stay in a few more days and I was then checked out a little later and Harry felt my forehead and smiled when he felt no fever but he saw I was still pretty shook up

After all, I did have a troublesome past and Harry passed dad my clean pjs which were my fave and he left the room as I got changed and he escorted the pair of us to the bathroom

Once we were back we saw Steele and mum, Harry told them that Sam still had a lingering fever which had gotten somewhat worse due to being stressed but hoped after a while and the stress wore off it would come down and that i was just freaked out

Harry left to wash my pjs I just had on and he then reported to the police and secruity once they were dry

Meanwhile the suspects had been arrested and they admitted to working with Spellman and Hadley and that they did indeed have the intetenion of taking Jones

They were taken to Cardiff police by Oscar and Aston whole Olivia, Mark and Jessica stayed and discussed with the hospital secruity on a way to make sure someone always protected the Jones's room while Sam and Jones stayed there with family or without family

Harry knocked and asked if he could come in, Mark said he could

Harry asked what had happened so Olivia gave him the run down and Harry paled and said "So what Hadley said is true?"

"Afraid so" Jessica "But I doubt they just want Jones"

"They don't?" Harry asked quietly

"They want both Jones and Sarah" Mark said seriously "At the minuete Sarah is protected and safe, Jones isn't"

"They can't go home, Sam's still lingering a fever and it's been made worse by stress, and Sam won't let go off Jones and Jones won't let go of Sam no matter how hard you try" Harry rushed

"Then we'll need to put secruity outside of the room there staying in won't we?" The secruity said "Steele will have to stay just to be safe"

They all nodded and they all went to tell the others what they had said

Three sets of eyes, honey brown, sea blue and emerald green looked up at them

"Hello Sam, Penny and Jones" Mark started a face all grim

"What's happened?" Penny asked

"The suspects have been arrested and have admitted to be working with Hadley and Spellman" Olivia said

"And they were indeed after Jones" Jessica finished

I pale and immediately clutched into Sam as I started to shake with fear

"So what Hadley said was true then?" Sam said also scared for his daughters safety

"Afraid so" Mark said "But we've found out they just don't want Jones"

"They don't" Steele said, his worried eyes locking with Sam's and Penny's

"They want Sarah also" Olivia said

"Spellman has people that wants Jones and Sarah, he wants to get revenge and the way of getting that revenge is by taking Jones and Sarah" Mark said firm and lips thinned

"Is Sarah safe?" Steele asked immediately stern

"Yes she safe and protected" Jessica said "She is with Jodie and Ellie at which house we don't know only they do"

"Sam knows the house there at to" Penny quipped

"But that means we're not safe, they know we're here" Sam said worried for his daughter and his nieces safety

Rose and Malcolm were going to have a field day when they heard what had just happened

"We're purring secruity outsife of your room, you will also be escorted if you need loo and everything else like food and blanket and clothes will be brought to you" the hospital secruity said as they all left

"I'm scared" I whimpered

I didn't want to leave my parents again, not for a while at least

The hospital secruity secured the room and had four people standing in front of it at all times and Mark had texted Rose and Malcolm saying There's been an attack at the hospital, suspects have been arrested and are on way to Cardiff as we speak but they want Jones and Sarah, Sarah is safe and protected as we speak, the room Jones, Sam, Penny and Steele are in arw to be guarded at all times

Mark, Jessica and Olivia left to man Newtown Police to Oscar and Aston came back and they knew Rose and Malcolm wouldn't take the news well neither would anyone else

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