Medical checkups and twins

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James had dinner cooked and they had all eaten it, they had praised him and all headed off to bed but James laid awake and went downstairs

Downstairs he saw Penny and smiled and Penny raised an eyebrow at him and asked "What he was doing up"

"Can't sleep, thinking about someone" James admitted

"Got a crush?" Penny chuckled

"Yes I do, on Hannah" James smiled softly

Penny smiled and ruffled his hair and said "I won't tell your uncle I promise"

Just then the door was knocked and Penny opened it to see Hannah and she let her in and smirked softly before going netural when she saw James blush

Penny went to check Hannah over and James stayed with her

Penny told James and Hannah that Hannah just had a really bad cold

Hannah ran a hand through James's hair and messed up his hair

Penny saw a text off Lizzie saying Hannah could stay the night if she wished to

Penny looked at them and said "Spare room is free you two"

She picked up Hannah and laid her down and James laid next to her and pulled her close to make sure she was safe

James fell asleep and Penny saw Hannah snuggle into him and Penny smiled and Hannah says "You've figured it out haven't you?"

"That you fancy James?" Penny smiled and she nodded and she left them be

The next day she left them to sleep and she saw Ellie trying to calm Sarah down and Penny helped her after she realised what it was for

She also had the living room closed so Sam wouldn't see or walk in and freak as Sam's phobia of needles was quite a bad phobia

Ellie and Penny kept Sarah's attention and Helen did the flu injection and then left after a while later

Ellie held Sarah and Sam walked in and checked in on them before he left them to and he went to the garden

Now with Sarah busy with reading a book Ellie realised something that they all had forgotten

"Penny we've forgotten something" Ellie said

"What's that?" Penny asks

"Jones's medical exam" Ellie said

"Jones won't want to sit down for it" Penny mumbled "Not without Sam anyway, she is after all eleven"

"Well we can do it with Sam, we can't go Newtown hospital for it though" Ellie said

"Why not?" Penny asked

"It's in the way of a RTA, and it's backed up due to the injuries there from the RTA in Cardiff" Ellie said before whispering "Sarah needs one to, do it after Jones's as Sarah will cooperate if we're here, James had already had his when we were up in Chicago"

"And James is currently with his crush" Penny smiled softly

They all saw Jones watch them and Ellie said "Jones come here"

"For a medical?" I ask "is it firefighter based?"

"No" My mum said

"No thanks then" I smirked as I ran

"Jones, get here" Penny called "Sam get Jones to me"

Now I had Ellie, Mum and Dad after me so I decided to keep running, I didn't want it, if it wasn't for firefighter business

And at Mark and Jessica's house they had found they were having twins, one boy and one girl and they needed to tell everyone they knew the news, knowing there co-workers were busy with the RTA they went to see Sam and his family and tell them first

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