Day together before going Home

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Steele, Penny, Ellie and Sam were chatting when Sam announced he needed a drink so would go get them all refreshments and asked "what they all wanted"

Penny, Steele and Ellie all answered "Tea" and Sam said "I'll get myself a coffee then"

Sam left and Ellie said "He knows too much caffeine is bad right"

"It's decaf coffee" Steele smirked "Don't tell him though"

"We won't" Ellie and Penny innocently smile

I was still asleep snuggled into my mum my teddy in my hand as I slept on

"How was your night then Ellie?" Penny asked

"It was alright, mind the beds aren't that comfortable but got a decent night sleep in" Ellie answered truthfully "You sir?"

"I did have a great night sleep also even though I be glad when Penny here isn't in hospital any longer" Steele answered "As a boss and to hear, see or just know one of your co-workers is in hospital is a worry"

"Your like dad in the tight knit Fire community" Penny chuckled

"Boyce the granddad then?" Ellie smirked

"If Boyce heard that firefighter Phillips you'd be getting a prank cup of tea probably" Steele smirked

"Wait Boyce knows pranks?" Ellie asked as Sam walked in with there refreshments

"No Ellie" Sam smiled softly as he passed her her tea and her chocolate bar "He'll recruit Jones and tada, I suppose you run"

"How was your sleep last night Sam?" Ellie asked

"Alright, was unusual without Penny there" Sam added

Sam passed Steele his tea and chocolate bar and did the same to penny before he settled down to drink his coffee and eat his chocolate bar

"Still us lost have two days off once back in Wales to adjust to the time zones" Steele said

"Two days" Sam said "I have a wife and a daughter"

"I meant two days for me and Ellie not you two" Steele said "you have four days and Jones will rejoin school the day you both go back to work"

"Understandable" Penny said

"Need more coffee" Sam smiled "Now I'll be back I kinda need to ya know"

"Go on Sam and bring me an apple" Penny said

"Roger" Sam said as he went to get it after going loo

Steele and Ellie went also and then they all came back just before lunch was rolled around

They were asked there orders and allergies

Sam groaned mentally and said "Strawberries"

They left to go make there food and Sam mumbled "Hate that question"

Everyone else laughed and they broke into a conversation about how life in Pontypandy was without them there and how it would be with them back there

As they were talking I woke up and I stayed contempt snuggled into my mum, head in the crook of my arm

Penny finished her cup of tea and streched over and this motion cause me to drop Arlo a slight bit

Once cup was down penny picked it up and went to slot it in my sleeping hands but saw a hand grasping for it

Penny gave it me and pulled me close so my head was facing hers and she ran a hand through my red hair

"Morning Jones, want lunch?" Penny whispered

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